Speaking for the back row without realising it, especially when I’m passionate about the subject.
I still haven’t figured out how to prevent it, people frequently tell me that I start bellowing after a point in my discourse. And that’s on top of having a naturally resonant voice…
She had me at “Meredith.” Everything else just solidifies my infatuation.
Sure! Why have AI assisted ambulances or firetrucks when you can slap an AI onto ICBM carriers!
Honestly, I’d go the full cyborg route, like in Ghost in the Shell. This would be my first step toward adjusting my consciousness to existing within and controlling an artificial environment, ultimately aiming for fully uploaded consciousness. I’d want to exist as a cyborg for a couple of decades, then I want to be uploaded into an autonomous space probe with as many sensor types as possible and left to explore the Universe (+/- relativistic speeds, I don’t really care). BUT I’d also want the possibility to erase myself, because I most certainly wouldn’t want to live forever. At least, not as I see it now. This is the purely sci-fi version.
In the realistic version, a cybernetic eye and a logic co-processor to increase my background process bandwidth. Sure, a brain-computer interface would also be nice, but I somehow suspect I’d get nostalgic for the clackety-clacks and would most likely revert to analog interfacing after a point (for which I’d like that “fingers within fingers” prosthetic from GitS).
Unless, of course, Musk (or any other such) will be handling said cybermods, in which case none, thanks. I’d rather just decay and die as a basic human being than have such people tinker with my bits.
Not even close. Take Foundation, for instance. The show is ok in itself, but when compared to the books, it neglects so many vital details (in my opinion) that it became downright frustrating to watch after a point, subtitles or no. As a positive example, The Shining the movie and The Shining the book are both brilliant works of art, but are very different all in all.
As for brushing my teeth, after breakfast/coffee (I serve both immediately after waking up, because I usually wake up starving and groggy).
I once fell out of the attic of an abandoned house because an owl scared the living crap out of me - it was huge and it made itself look even larger, must’ve been the largest bird I’d seen IRL by that age. Does that count?
I concur! It’s that type of music with the potential to completely change one’s perception about the capabilities of music in general!
Too bad two of his best tracks (this and Easy Muffin) are stuck in Copyright Hell, can barely find them anywhere on the internet…
I can say without a shadow of a doubt that there is no sweeter pleasure than watching utter panic and chaos unfold when the rockstar quits. I love quitting shitty jobs…
Now, that’s the sensible approach, but we don’ take too kindly to “sensible” 'round these here parts!
Jest aside, I see the point in doing this in cases where the company actually deals with very sensitive stuff, but in terms of average app developing company… meh… Most people are smart enough to know not to share keys and creds, and most people who hang around the ol’ Slack channels for a meme and a laugh really don’t care about said keys or creds.
In my case, I did my 6-year stint in full-on Corpo, then dipped from Start-up to Start-up, and it’s always been the same story.
100% down. My experience with comms security has been such that we were still shitposting on ‘official’ Spam channels with people who had not been employed at that company for months. One of them even slipped up and accidentally dissed one of his former teammates on the project team channel, and that’s when they ejected him from Slack. About 5 months after he quit.
They did love insta-deleting GSuite accounts without switching doc ownerships or transferring associated accounts, effectively annihilating a lot of vital design stuff. Stuff was super-secure after that, I’ll give’em that much!
Sorry, based on principles, the removed upvote… uuh… stays?:))
Not just that, but even works with general tension.
Had this neighbor at my old place, she loved to replicate a full cinematic experience at 1 AM, played music very loudly during the day, sorta’ calmed down after I started knocking on walls, but not really (she’d still go full blast with the movies up to midnight, still generously shared whatever she was listening to with the rest of her neighbors, etc.)
So, being the socialite that I am, I started responding in kind. Not with blaring movies at night, but with trying to compensate for her concerts with my own, singing poorly and loudly around the house, stuff like that. And we kinda’ settled into that routine of mutual annoyance.
Thing is, though, I was attracted to her, but in a purely lustful way. And I’m pretty sure she had something similar going on her end, because the tension was palpable every time we met face to face. And, lemme tell ya’, that wasn’t the “I want to strangle you” kind of tension. Well, maybe some strangling, but not the main focus.
What I tried to explain through this venting of unspent frustrations is that sometimes you just get the hots for someone you don’t like as a person, and that would most definitely not stop either of you from bumping uglies. Quite the contrary, the interpersonal tension usually amplifies the sexual one. The wonders of biological imperatives at work!
That sure sounds like an awesome time, I am (benevolently) envious! Monotonix kept me sane throughout my second and third years of working a corporate job…
Oh, they are positively filthy, I second this rec!
Why, thank you, checking it out!
Edit: HOLY CRAP, thank you so much! I had no idea this thing existed, and I didn’t make the association initially!
As a Romanian, tipping here does very much help Hospitality/Delivery workers, as our wages are deep down the toilet.
Our tipping culture is (or was, at least) pretty similar to the US’s, 10-15% as a standard tip, 20% if you’re flush and the service was notable (checking up on you occasionally, helping you make sense of things if need be, polite, nothing over-the-top). Same thing goes for delivery people.
Nowadays, I suspect people have somewhat maintained the ratios, although this comes mostly as an anecdotal observation - I started tipping 20-25%, or even double that if I’m ordering groceries (because I stock up for weeks, so it’s quite a bit to carry), and a LOT of delivery people have remarked that it was the largest tip they’d ever received (as an average example, about a 20RON ~ $4 tip to a 100RON ~ $21 food order).
Thank you! Yeah, it hit us pretty badly… Well, to be fair, every loss wrecked us, because we never treated pets as pets, but as family members, but that was the first death I ever experienced in my life. Taught me a very valuable (although unfortunate) lesson about human beings, too…
Sent me right back to the better parts of high-school! Thank you!
Great, it’ll have to plow through ~30GB of 1080p recordings of darkness and my upstairs neighbors living it up in the AMs. And nothing else.
There are two (in terms of “every song on them is my favourite”):