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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • Thank you. Why am I doing it: I re-discovered Blender a couple of months ago and followed the famous Donut-Tutorial. After that I made some minor things, then I modelled and animated my Laptop, and now I’m challenging myself with a bigger project with more complex shapes. And boredom.

    I’m working in the Architecturial field, so I know how to work in 3D in general. In architecture, however, I need to consider all kinds of measurements correctly - that is someting I dont’t need to do in Blender for an extent. I just enjoy the build.

    I tried Blender before (I think it was Version 2.x) but in the end it didn’t work out for me. Meanwhile the software got better.

    Back when I still studied (couple of years ago) I did some renderings using Cinema 4D, since we had it on some universities computers. But I didn’t model anything in C4D. I had a CAD Software, which wasn’t that capable of 3D back then, but one could draw precicely. For the 3D stuff I used Sketchup. I could interchange the files (mostly dxf files) between the programs. For renderings I imported a 3DS-file into C4D and put textures on it. Our software at work is capeable of creating rendered images.

    My goal is to import the car model into our architecture software at work and sneak it into a rendering.

  • I’m currently modelling my car using Blender. The screenshots show the progress of approximately 2 weeks (entire weekends and a few hours after coming home from work). Some parts are created rather fast, and some parts take hours to get the shape correctly. Worst part in that matter ist the front bumper with its fog light. It took almost the whole weekend. The hood was made within an hour, since it has a simpler shape, compared to others.

    For reference I use photos, where I do the details by eye measure. To get the general shape I traced the views (front, back, side, above) from drawings of the cars manual using Affinity Designer beforehand. This alone took me over one week, beause I only could do it after work.

  • Despite not answering your question correctly, I have something where Windows is superior to macOS:

    When you start a Windows program and want the program window to fill your screen completely, you just have to drag the window towards the upper edge of the screen and the window fills the whole size of the screen.

    On macOS there is not such an option. You have to drag the program window manually to the full size of the screen. Although there is a full-screen mode (green button in the upper left of the window), when activated, the window is in full screen, but the menu bar at the top of the screen is hidden. However, at least macOS remembers the last size of the program window, so you don’t have to drag it to full screen size again.

  • A cheap phone last about as long and does 90% the same stuff

    This is true. You can get an almost equal performance out of a cheap phone. But I learned that more expensive or high-end phones recieve more software updates than cheaper entry-tier phones.

    For instance, I own an LG K8 (Model LG-M200E) from 2017. The battery still holds enough charge (although it is designed to be replaced), the camera works, the touch display still responds properly - but it only recieved one update (Android 7 --> Android 8) in 2018. I wouldn’t consider it secure and I certainly don’t have my online banking on the phone. Meanwhile it gets very hot and slow when I use Google Maps. Unfortunately, there is no way to replace its operating system with an alterntive OS, linke Grephene OS or Lineage. None of the many alternative operating systems offer suppert for this specific model.

    My next phone will propably be mid-price ranged.

    Edit: typos

  • Seit dem Update erhalte ich hauptsächlich folgende Fehlermeldungen: Error: incorrect_login Error: unknown

    Insgesamt läuft alles sehr langsam. Wenn ich eine neue Seite anklicke, dann muss ich diese fast immer noch einmal laden. Wenn ich einen Beitrag hochwähle, dann dauert dies teilweise bis zu 10 Sekunden.

    Folgendes habe ich bereits versucht:

    • Ausloggen, wieder einloggen
    • Ausloggen, Cookies und Website-Daten löschen, Browser neu starten, wieder einloggen
    • Internet (Router) neu starten

    Ich benutze Firefox 120.0.1 mit UBlock Origin, MacOs 12.7.2

    Gibt es noch etwas, was ich tun kann? Oder kommt noch ein weiteres Update?

  • I think this is because it is pretty boring to film a computer in action, because it does noting - it doesn’t move for example. So beeping sounds were added for every action a computer would do: opening or closing windows, transferring files to a disk, calculating,…

    These sounds were added at a time computers were not that common in every household and to emphazise that the computer is doing something. In recent movies, computers are more silent.

    Another thing film makers did to show interaction with a computer is the constant usage of the keyboard. Every thing is done with the keyboard. Open a window: type 5 sceonds on the keyboard. Transferring a file onto a disk: type the whole bible on the keyboard. This was done because it would be pretty boring to show someone use the mouse or drag-and-drop files.

    It its somehow compareable to the movie trope of constantly reloading a gun. You can see this often in older movies: the protagonist is going inside a building and he is reloading his gun. Then he stops a the corner of a hallway and is reloading the gun again - despite no shot has been fired. This was also done to show the audience that a gun will be involved.