Which distro are the Germans switching to?
Which distro are the Germans switching to?
Read the issues on that git and you’ll see that it only works on comments visible from your profile which has a maximum limit. It doesn’t get everything, because of that profile limit. There is a python script listed in there but it requires an API key.
Sorry, Snapz, we’re discontinuing steaks to keep our restaurant stock value going up.
In a podcast I listen to where tech people discuss security topics they finally got to something related to AI, hesitated, snickered, said “Artificial Intelligence I guess is what I have to say now instead of Machine Learning” then both the host and the guest started just belting out laughs for a while before continuing.
Once I got to college and took real critical thinking classes in philosophy I was shocked at how pathetic the English classes were where we imitated the tools and concepts we would learn and apply in college. I think that people who study English do not learn critical thinking well enough in most cases and are better at teaching composition and the reading of fictional stories.
Yes. In college libraries I remember opening handbooks on critical thinking and they were as you said.
Here is one that is available online for free as an open access PDF and has all of the best and current science on many aspects of rationality from cognitive science to philosophy: https://direct.mit.edu/books/oa-edited-volume/5525/The-Handbook-of-Rationality
You can even tweak how it saves the files, what format it outputs, whether it retains subtitles (if they are included in the video), and you can make it spit out a metadata file to go along with the video file which would be useful to keep track of the content or if you use some kind of video library management software that wants publishing date information, author, etc.
And remember to read the help page. You can do batch downloading IIRC with the -a flag pointed at a text file like urls.txt
Put one video per line and it will just chug away grabbing them all for you so you don’t have to type the command over and over again.
Creators really need to release torrents of their libraries of content so that we can access it without having to go through platforms. Maybe release them twice a year? Four times a year? Imagine just pulling up a creator’s torrent, clicking which videos you want to download to watch, then waiting a few minutes and playing it right off of your computer. I bet that could also work with peertube?
Yep and for some people it’s too hard to think about extensions so just having them install Brave is a perfect recommendation (for now anyway).
My reply was purely to get to the accurate information versus your reply which says that they are “collecting data from their search engine not the browser” as it’s important that people reading know what’s actually going on.
I’m not here to argue about whether they should or should not do that and I’m not going to (and when I used Brave I consciously went into the menu to opt into this to improve their search engine so we could have a competitor).
Google rewrites links in Google search (not that you use it but maybe you do sometimes). So, if you want the links you click in Google search to not go through a Google referral URL and instead go to the link advertised in the search result, then Privacy Badger is useful for this purpose.
If you opt in, you’ll contribute some anonymous data about searches and web page visits made within the Brave Browser (including pages arrived at via some, but not all, other search engines). This data helps build the Brave Search independent index, and ensure we show results relevant to your search queries. By “data” we mean search queries, search result clicks, the URLs of pages visited in the browser, time spent on those pages, and some metadata about the pages themselves.
My emphasis.
I just discovered this on a relative’s computer. Any trick to removing the VPN service?
Which phone do you use?
I tested it in Firefox InPrivate, Edge, Brave, and Chrome and all are identical for me. I think they just fucked up YouTube. 😂
Pinta is a fork of an older version of paint.net: https://www.pinta-project.com/ I have no idea if it is any good. I just thought that this might solve your problem.