Typical American answer all Europeans are the same while America supposedly changes every any arbitrary distance.
Typical American answer all Europeans are the same while America supposedly changes every any arbitrary distance.
States, districts, territories are not the same as different countries. Viktor Orban is not an European leader same as Jagmeet Singh is not an American leader.
I can’t fathom how do you mean Rust is not maintainable. If anything for a new programmer C code is much more mind boggling than Rust.
Writing in Rust might make it much more maintainable.
You can download it from xda forum for free with all the bells n whistles, or you can support the developer by buying paid version of the app.
I don’t think he can pull that shit in Germany.
Don’t you hate that you have to agree with someone you despise when he says something about yourself. Only hope is US and Israel doesn’t double down on its tomfoolery.
Reading the whole thread seemed like a boomer crying that young people are ruin8ng stuff by adding new fangled stuff to their perfect utopian bloat.
This news along with the news of WiFi driver maintainer stepping down, feels like there won’t be any new blood in Linux kernel development except for corporate funded developers.
A switch shuts the supply to the socket. Even after unplugging the socket does have electric supply, i.e. it is live. If any metallic object is inserted into the live socket it can give you a worse shock. Since the voltage supply in UK is 220V not 110V.
Shutter inside is much safer than button but is slightly costlier.
Even if you unplug it, the socket is still live at more than 200 V.
One of the part that gave me random reboots was the PSU. It used to drop voltage randomly, affecting random components. After changing that it was rock solid.
If you carry the same PSU from ur older server maybe try changing it.
I have a sister in US, a cousin in Germany.
He is about to fuck around and America is about to find out…
The world doesn’t revolve around America.
World was always run on the rule that might makes right.
Yes we got a sinking boat and were forced to keep on rowing. We were never old enough to say that the holes should be patched. We were given the dream that our time will come. We were told that our job was to keep our head down and row, so we kept on rowing. Till the boat sank.
We are the first generation to work but have nothing to show for it, as compared to boomers.
You have to make a rental agreement. Here in India it has to be registered with the government and pay a nominal registration charges. So when filing your taxes you join your lease agreement, which can be verified by the registrar.
It continued its workings even after the proclamation. It was formed before it.
the FDR years are usually a good example for cases such as these, and he was president for more than 10 years.
That is a good example of a decade of non aggression by US, I would agree. One could say the isolationist policies, and reluctance to join League or World Court was a failure but that would just be splitting hairs. Having said that even the World War I had a Christmas truce. FDR years doesn’t make US any less of a bully or a war profiteer.
Huh, I never knew that. Thank you for telling me.
You can look into Mississippi Land Company founded by George Washington for prospecting lands beyond the Appalachian mountains prohibited by the Proclamation.
George Washington was a land speculator and the Proclamation of 1763 after the French and Indian wars had prohibited westward settlements beyond the Appalachian mountains.
Capitalism is just a modern substitute for colonization without the violent means of grabbing others properties or means of sustenance. America is a colonizers dream.
always been the case and has never stopped
This is an oversimplification of history. It makes for a powerful speech but it’s pretty garbage as far as convincing anyone who doesn’t already agree with you.
Can you show a single decade in the 250 years of US when it has stopped bullying, waging war or colonizing other countries, not directly but by causing coups, killing leaders of other countries.
Trump’s Pearl Harbor would be if someone bombed a Trump Tower affecting only the Trump sign.