We are so fucked. We gotta do something
We are so fucked. We gotta do something
Found one of the dipshits!
They’re not my enemy, but they are idiots who deserve to be shamed for their terrible decision
Hey but at least all those enlightened dipshits didn’t vote for Kamala! Who could have guessed that Trump’s Palestine policy would be even worse?? Oh yeah, everyone else. Thanks a lot dipshits
How come these terrorist fuckwads surround themselves with women and children when they’re being hunted by the IDF? Easy solution to not being killed, don’t be a terrorist, and don’t hang out with terrorists. Boom easy
Aren’t Austrians just Germans pretty much? We all know how much they like their daddy-authoritarians
Great job IDF, kicking terrorist ass! Next up, Iran’s leadership. DO IT!!!
There are, just not available publicly. Tons of enterprises (law firms included) are paying to have models trained on their data
Fascists gonna do their thing. Steal steal steal
Good ole waffle stomp
Do you shit in the shower?
This is kind of a Shane Gillis joke lol. He said Biden might be the first president ever you could punch-assassinate hahaha
No college protests huh?
It’s all so politicized now its just never going to happen. Half the country will literally lose their minds because they’re children who think owning a gun is a god given right
Here, you probably haven’t gotten to the class in college yet where you learn what words mean, but this is the definition of “genocide”:
the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group.
Now please answer my question, if it was a genocide, and they were trying to destroy all Palestinians, why would there be 2m Palestinians living in Israel? Wouldn’t they have killed them first? Or expelled them? Could it be that the Palestinians being killed now are collateral damage in a war?
Who was there before the Palestinians? Jews right?
Yes, if Israel wanted to kill all Palestinians, why would there be nearly 2m in Israel?
Why would they allow almost 2 million Palestinians to live in their country if they wanted them all dead? You’re in denial that civilians are killed during wars
Entire admin is pathetic losers. And thanks a lot to all those geniuses who wouldn’t vote for Kamala because of Gaza, this is partially on your hands