I didn’t vote for the PC MPP in my riding, but I 100% support Doug Ford with this
I didn’t vote for the PC MPP in my riding, but I 100% support Doug Ford with this
Our newly-elected Premier has unfortunately doubled down on giving cars priority with the mandated removal of bike lanes and building new highways (413), even though their own data says that Toronto with be just as congested a few years after building them.
Oh I forgot to mention the tunnel under the 401, which is a massive boondoggle waiting to happen
I am against stripping citizenship from anyone, Musk included, unless the citizenship was obtained under false pretenses.
In the end, I signed this petition yesterday simply to voice my discontent, knowing that this would never happen.
Has he committed treason against Canada? Unsure.
Election interference? More likely
Is that 3 American football fields?
Before this, the only place I have ever heard that slur is from a Pink Floyd song, but until now I could only guess to whom it referred.
They probably used that graphic because Toronto has an actual raccoon problem. I’m not commenting on the “tastefulness” of the graphic
Can I join this club even though I don’t have an Air?
You are correct.
Source: a different ex Christian
Did I detect a hint of cynicism there?
“It’s expected to take four to five years to design the future high-speed line. Funds are to be allocated at the end of that time period, so it’s possible a future government could modify or cancel the project.”
I’m hoping this comes to pass, but I have a small shred of doubt
I’ve had several machines that refuse to update because of error 0x<insert hex number here>.
In fact, one of my kids has that happening right now.
At least that part is not isolated to OP. It doesn’t happen to me anymore since I switched to Linux about a year ago
Person Woman Man Camera TV
Ahhh yes. Good thing it’s non-binding
Works every time
I’ve had a couple of passengers open the door using the latch because they didn’t know about the Open Door button.
I’m not saying it’s a good design (it’s dumb) but you can get out when there is no power
There’s a release latch on the doors beside the “open door” buttons. I guess no I’ve else is pointing that out?
SQL has been around since the 1970s
I played this almost 40 years ago on an Apple IIe when I was 10-11 years old, made it all the way to the final dungeon, then just… gave up. I don’t know why. Maybe I was unprepared for the final dungeon and was too lazy to leave and get more supplies?
I recently thought about doing a replay of it to see how it holds up
Tesla driver here.
When I first heard the announcement that they were going vision-only, I thought ah shit they’re boned.
I replied on maybe a Reddit thread (?) that there was no way it’ll work up north in any kind of snowy conditions, and people called me an idiot etc
Fast forward a few years later, when I got to experience it first hand. Anytime I drive the car at night, warnings pop up on the screen like “front left camera is blocked or blinded” Cue Surprised Pikachu. In the snow, sometimes it can’t even detect a road.
I tried the free trial of FSD and, while it’s a neat gimmick, I think I was able to make maybe one or two short trips (2km) without needing to disengage it.
It was really bad
Every time I click on a Piped link that has been posted here by the bot after someone posts a YouTube link, I just wait and wait for it to start playing. Eventually I run out of patience and click the YouTube link, which starts to play immediately.
I can also gleek but it’s nowhere near what my grade 11 English teacher could do. I don’t know how it came up in class, but, in front of the class, she turned sideways and made the biggest arc I’d ever seen: maybe 6 feet long
Oh, you mean like this? (Taken at FreshCo, owned by Sobeys)