It’s called love hooman
It’s called love hooman
Except their “Voight-Kampf Vision”. They have that shitty rubber finish that perishes over time and becomes a sticky mess. Reflective coating strips off after a while even when cared for as per their instructions.
I loved these as my running sunnies but was pretty pissed when they started falling apart.
Not super cheap here in Oz either!
(edited for typo)
Geotic “Realms” Tim Hecker “No Highs”
Injuring myself in my sleep
Nobody exists on purpose. Nobody belongs anywhere. Everybody’s going to die. Come watch tv.
Because people suck and they can’t be trusted to use common sense.
Thanks for all the replies. It’s a single 1TB SSD so gparted sounds like the way to go. Can always just reformat windows to ext4 and mount that separately too if I chicken out of resizing 🤣
Cool. Yeah, that sounds like the easiest solution. Just want to make that space available without screening things up.
Others have answered your questions. Just wanted to point out that 256GB is not very big, depending on how much your brother wants to download (and how much of what he downloads he wants to keep).
Don’t you mean, “I’m not half the man I used to be”?
I do suffer from depression. Two things that made a big difference for me in terms of sleeping through the night were regular exercise and wearing earplugs. YMMV
Beautiful guitar. I hope it gives you many years of enjoyment.
Thanks for the reply, and good to know!
I think I’ll blow away the windows install on this machine completely.
I still have another pc for some audio tools that don’t run under Linux, but this machine is my daily driver now and I couldn’t be happier.
So, excusing my ignorance as a fairly recent Linux convert, what does this mean for my dual boot system?
I haven’t booted windows for weeks and am pretty sure there have been no updates since it was freshly reinstalled (maybe 6 months ago) as a dual boot with Debian.
Is this only a problem if I allow Windows to update?
Are Microsoft likely to fix the issue in a subsequent release?
To add to this, look at how the scales/modes/pentatonics fit around the chord shapes. If you play an A bar chord at the 5th fret for example and start picking the notes out of the chord you’re actually picking notes from the major and pentatonic scales in A. Map out how those scales fit with the chord shapes and you’ll pick up a few other moves that you can easily translate around the neck as the chords change. This video gave me a lot of new ideas in that regard
Doesn’t look much like waking up to me. Rolling over and going back to sleep maybe?