Notepad++ and never look back.
Notepad++ and never look back.
Firefox needs to work on ensuring seamless compatibility with more websites, web apps and so on, because I’m personally very bored with my kids’ schools and related services sending out emails and forms with links that simply won’t open in FF but are clearly expecting Chrome or Edge where they work fine. Yes, this is on the lazy developers, but if FF want wider scale take-up outside of geeky niche groups then this is the stuff they must fix.
Replied to another poster as well, but this setting is present in my UK PayPal account too and needed turning off.
Incorrect. It’s in my UK PayPal account settings too and I turned it off.
Try turning up your media volume. Might be that the system is confusing this app’s audio for media instead of a true alarm.
Just in time for me to have already cancelled my Prime membership last month. I’ve also not purchased from Amazon at all since then. Plan working as intended?!
Ah yes, This.
Writers Slam The One Thing They Hate About AI.
Please tell me a simple, idiot-proof way to block YT ads on all devices incl. Mobiles, Shield etc. that doesn’t require something complex like piHole, works outside the home (family’s phones etc. ), and doesn’t risk blocking stuff it shouldn’t. That’s my trouble. Premium solves all of that, while bringing other small benefits. Maybe there’s a better way.
Sony has entered the chat. - the shutter button is one of the best features of the Xperia line, for sure. I used it extensively when it was my go-to phone.
Why not just enable both? Have the control panel be available but more of a power user kind of thing, where the new Settings page is what gets pushed to the average user. Of course it’s more work to maintain both but last time I checked MS were doing alright for themselves and could probably afford it.
If the new dumb phones also came with Google Family Link for tracking then it would be a win. But they don’t. As a parent, having the ability to track my kids when I know they’re heading to or from somewhere is a big deal. And no, it’s not an issue of trust.
Trouble is, you’re basing all that on now, not a year from now, or 6 months from now. It’s too easy to look at it’s weaknesses today and extrapolate. I think people need to get real about coding and AI. Coding is language and rules. Machines can learn that enormously faster and more accurately than humans. The ones who survive will be those who can wield it as a tool for creativity. But if you think it won’t be capable of all the things it’s currently weak at you’re just kidding yourself unfortunately. It’ll be like anything else - a tool for an operator. Middlemen will be wiped out of the process, of course, but those with money remain those without time or expertise, and there will always be a place for people willing to step in at that point. But they won’t be coding. They’ll be designing and solving problems.
Ah, but you forget that nobody has a sense of humour any more. We can’t laugh at ourselves let alone anybody else.
Shitrag news source is indeed implying this. It’s a totally different island. The state of news today.
Get your hands off my phalange!
I just wish there was a way to get it to handle processing of folder and file paths to your environment. They say it’s a security thing which I get, but my team is constantly sharing links to files and folders and it’s a PITA having to copy and paste the links into Explorer. If there was some way of making it work securely it would be a big productivity boost a d QOL improvement.
Everyone here thinking the reason they were dropped was because the quality turned to shit after the buyout, but the main reason is their continued presence operating in Russia after their thankfully failed attempt to annex Ukraine. I’m pleased the royals took a stand. Ultimately both are good reasons to drop them.