Oh my god, why are people so dumb. Like do you think everything is Magic in the world or something? Don’t you feel like an asshole for not trying to learn anything? The more small things you know, the more you can find out by yourself through contacts. So no they wouldn’t suddenly become a different type of energy or whatever, I’ll become natural like you said. They would just describe it differently. And say hey this is a being composed of such and such matter or whatever and that’s it. And then we call that thing a ghost. You know you can think these things out in your mind right? Like you ask a question and then in your head you know you feel well what would I need to know to figure that out, and you know use your fucking head
Oh no, maybe she’ll have to go to school or read a book because she can’t talk in front of a camera now, sick of people talking shit about AI when really these people are just piece of shit human beings who don’t do shit, except living a little Trust funds, party plan, or self publish their own shit books.