I like it when Germans write bilingual comments. It’s so wholesome.
I like it when Germans write bilingual comments. It’s so wholesome.
I thought it was pretty cool I could migrate my RISC CPU design from Logisim to Verilator, and even throw in some GTK so I could display some video, and have it all just work.
The Internet, where men are men, women are men, and children are FBI agents.
Oh God, it’s all over now, the bed bug experts have been compromised
This meme format is so dumb, I love it
That phrase is just objectively cool beans, though
Is Pepe cool again? Did we reclaim him?
Vagina dentata
Well now I know what to do with the other one
Internet historians are going to fucking hate us
According to the article they took away the override setting in GTK4 and they aren’t bringing it back
Dieser Tag ist Bananen. B-A-N-A-N-E-N.
Or the way the screen smelled and tasted like static
Xeet xeet, motherfucker
Yo dawg I herd you like dogs, so I put a subway on your dog so you can subway while you dog
No idea haha. Last time I had a Mac was over 20 years ago.