More concerning than Bethesda’s decision to withhold early review codes from certain outlets is how heavily some sites are relying on the game to drive their business.

  • @[email protected]
    72 years ago

    I really should go back to playing CP, I already enjoyed my time with the release Version.

    But I also had a great PC and managed to not hit many Bugs during my playthrough, so I understand that my experience was not a common one.

    • @[email protected]
      12 years ago

      That happened for me too. Great 2077 experience through and through on good hardware with RT+DLSS. Had a couple bugs but nothing unsolvable like a puzzle with some saving involved, and they were things like scanning one thing early stops a scan later. Which is an unintended pretty cool mechanic lol, if only we’d been told it was a mechanic at the time.

      Game got even crazier looking in recent updates and with better hardware, but I 100%ed it early and I haven’t done another playthrough since so I’ve been at the endgame through all the updates lol