Prominent “free-speech absolutist” threatens to sue Jewish anti-hate group because it engaged in free speech he didn’t like.

"Elon Musk has threatened to sue the Anti-Defamation League after accusing the civil rights group that campaigns against antisemitism and bigotry of trying to “kill” his X social media platform.

“The owner of X, formerly known as Twitter, said the ADL was trying to shut down his company by ‘falsely accusing it and me of being antisemitic’.”

If your list of enemies includes the ADL, then there’s a more-than-reasonable chance that you’re an anti-semite.

@technology #twitter #musk #ElonMusk

  • @[email protected]
    522 years ago

    The thing is this shit works for right wingers. They genuinely believe that the ADL calling someone an antisemite, or even suggesting they might be, is the same as the government kicking your door down and murdering you because you used “free speech”

    • @[email protected]
      2 years ago

      If there’s one characteristic I’ve found to be widespread among right wingers, it’s black-and-white thinking. They don’t do “sometimes” or “partially” or “60%”. They just do “is” and “is not”. Vaccines either work or they don’t. Immigration is either bad or it’s good. Climate change is either 100% there today or it’s not happening, and if not every climate phenomenon is humans’ doing then none of it is humanity’s fault. Either every government regulation and law is good or government is simply bad. Either everyone gets guns or no one does. They apply this same black-and-white thinking to free speech.

      • @[email protected]
        72 years ago

        “Only a sith deals in absolutes.”

        Obi Wan’s not a bad guy, but it’s important to note the irony of such a statement.

      • X3I
        52 years ago

        While I see where you are coming from, I don’t think this is a pattern of thinking that applies only (or primarily) to right wingers but rather to political radicals of all sorts. We see similar bullshit coming from the far left with “all straight white males are oppressors” and similar statements. Might also be a result of social media echo chambers, who knows…

        • @[email protected]
          62 years ago

          It definitely happens with extremists on both sides, but I think it’s much more common on the right. Like, I encounter it on streets all the time from the right. I recently had a “climate change doesn’t exist because a day was cool last week” conversation with someone on the fourth-straight record high day in a row.

    • phillaholic
      202 years ago

      It’s long past the time to stop caring what they think. They’ll make themselves the victim no matter what, there’s no reasoning with them.