Need a plate of generic, insipid platitudes with a giant helping of bad science and misogyny?

    • @[email protected]
      22 years ago

      Saying that women only do things to serve or benefit men doesn’t empower young men? That is literally telling young men that women are subservient to them…

      Who exactly is stealing the power away from these young men? And what exactly are they taking away?

      Can you give us a example of how JP actually empowers men?

      • PatFusty
        02 years ago

        Saying that women only do things to serve or benefit men doesn’t empower young men

        I have never heard JBP say this. I have heard him say that agreeable people tend to be stepped on and that women tend to be agreeable… but thats not the same thing.

        Dont turn this on me. I asked if you could provide an example of how he isnt effective at empowering young men(which is the point of this meme). You cant reverse uno and ask me the same question

        • @[email protected]
          12 years ago

          have never heard JBP say this.

          I mean you asked for a quote and someone provided a quote. You can look up the quote and find articles about it.

          It’s just one of the misogynistic lies he spews on the regular. I believe in the same interview he stated that high heels were invented to lengthen the legs of women to make them more attractive… In reality high heels were first worn by men to keep shit from getting in their shoes.

          I have heard him say that agreeable people tend to be stepped on and that women tend to be agreeable… but thats not the same thing.

          Lol, so much better… It’s your fault you are being stepped on, not the generations of oppression and systemic disenfranchisement. Does that apply to everyone? Is he saying that Africans were just to agreeable so we had to enslave them… Broken as logic.

          asked if you could provide an example of how he isnt effective at empowering young men

          Yes, I’m going to first prove God doesn’t exist, then I will work on proving the negative with JP … You can’t prove a negative my dude. If you are making the claim that he empowers young men, it’s up to you to provide the evidence that proves it.

          • PatFusty
            12 years ago

            If you are making the claim that he empowers young men, it’s up to you to provide the evidence that proves it.

            Im just going to respond to this because im kinda over this. The claim was initially made by the meme. I am questioning this, yet you are here asking me for proof of the contrary.

            • @[email protected]
              12 years ago

              The claim was initially made by the meme. I am questioning this, yet you are here asking me for proof of the contrary.

              The claim was made by a meme with no supporting evidence, and thus can be dismissed without evidence.

              The meme is also inanimate and cannot defend it’s own affirmation. However, you chose to substantiate this affirmation, which means you now have the onus of burden of proof.

                • @[email protected]
                  12 years ago

                  Let me explain then. If there was an ancient tablet found with the words “God is dead” on it. Would we take that at face value? No, it doesn’t have any evidence to support it, there is no reason to engage in debate.

                  However if you suppose the tablet is correct, you would have to support that affirmation with additional supporting information. The statement of the tablet isn’t self evident, so it not really a serious claim. You are making it a serious claim by supporting it, and thus must be the one to provide evidence for that claim.

                  This is pretty basic debate, which is usually structured into the form of affirmation vs negation. The side of the affirmation is the one making a claim( god is dead), the side of the negation responds by denying the claim and responding to supporting evidence by proposing counter arguments.

                  It doesn’t matter that you didn’t make the original claims, only that you choose the side of the affirmation.

    • @[email protected]
      22 years ago

      This comment has nothing to do with your original comment, but if you need me to tie together how his misogyny hurts young men that follow him we can go over that

        • @[email protected]
          12 years ago

          “The cure for that is enforced monogamy.”

          About Alek Minassian, a man accused of killing six people after running them over with a van in Toronto: “He was angry at God because women were rejecting him. The cure for that is enforced monogamy. That’s actually why monogamy emerges.”

          Oh, some incel murdered 6 people, must of been a woman’s fault somehow…

          Is defending a literal misogynist terror attack enough evidence for you?

              • PatFusty
                12 years ago

                I just read this and although i think its extremely biased you are still the only person to share some sort of evidence so thank you. I would recommend getting a more direct source to criticize in the future so im not considering opinion articles from a peoples magazine as a source

                • @[email protected]
                  12 years ago

                  would recommend getting a more direct source to criticize in the future so im not considering opinion articles from a peoples magazine as a source

                  The direct source is the video linked in the article. Arguing the quality of a source material in a subjective debate is just admitting you don’t have a counter argument. This isn’t a scientific debate, the quote I gave you is directly from the primary source. You can choose not to believe the subjective information in the article, but I didn’t make any claims that weren’t direct quotes from a primary source.