Streaming Has Reached Its Sad, Predictable Fate | What should I watch? is now a much easier question than How do I watch it?::<em>What should I watch? </em>is now a much easier question than <em>How do I watch it?</em>
Streaming Has Reached Its Sad, Predictable Fate | What should I watch? is now a much easier question than How do I watch it?::<em>What should I watch? </em>is now a much easier question than <em>How do I watch it?</em>
Use your local library! Thousands of Blu-ray/DVD titles for free you can check out and rip freely. And then you don’t have to worry about any nasty letters from your ISP.
Thats what a VPN is for.
I honestly didn’t even include a DVD/BluRay drive in my PC build, so can’t really use those. And I tunnel all that traffic through Proton VPN, so ISP isn’t an issue.
If you have a spare USB 3 port and a spare power outlet, then you can get an external 4K Bluray drive for $100 or less.
It may be cheaper to just buy an old PC for this purpose.
An old, sub-$100 PC isn’t going to be able to read 4K blurays, and if you only want a regular bluray reader then those drives are even cheaper.
Love this! Supporting your community library and building your trove of booty at the same time lol.
I also like to collect physical media from my favorite artists, so I also rip from those disks and get the best of all worlds :)
My local library only has DVDs with kids movies, matey.
Indeed however that would necessitate having an optical drive
They’re pretty cheap, I have one that can read 4K blurays. About $70. I get access to all sorts of hard to find movies, and my library will even order blurays for me if they don’t have it in their catalog (up to 30 per year)