Tomorrow is a big event at my university. I’d like to make a fun thing where the people of the Board Game society I am in can try to find me for a riddle, kind of a Where is Waldo in a place where there is a crap tone of people to find the NPC that’ll give them a Riddle (Maybe something to win? No idea how I could do that detail)

      • Elise
        42 years ago

        A large, shiny, red, round, wooden apple with a delicate golden stem, nestled in a square silk box with twelve tiny silver bells.

        • Kyoyeou (Ki jəʊ juː)OP
          32 years ago

          Fool! I would not care for a Diamond from you! Nor less a Wooden Apple no matter the way you present it to me!

          • Elise
            42 years ago

            How about I show you an ancient pond in the silent forest that forever holds the reflection of your constellation. Beside it there’s a tomb from your ancestors with engravings telling ancient stories of valor and virtue. Here I offer you a place of introspection and the gift of time. It will refresh your spirit and new opportunities will become clear.

            • Kyoyeou (Ki jəʊ juː)OP
              32 years ago

              My dear Elise! I do have to say those are some of the most detailed and exquisite presents I have received to this day and I would like to applaud you for that, yet none of those presents interest me. Nore This Ancient Pond, Nor the Tomb near it, nor a Place of Introspection.

              I wish you find something that will suit the difficult tastes I have dear Elise

              • The King