• @[email protected]
    129 months ago

    This article seems to be well-meaning but contrasts with the de-facto standard way of storing dotfiles. The Linux Filesystem Hierarchy Standard is quite unambiguous in how it specifies that the purpose of $HOME is to store dotfiles.


    FHS also specifies that applications can store their dotfiles in subdirectories, and this is leveraged by other standards like the Freedesktop’s xdg-user-dirs spec to default to ~/.config


    I’m not sure what’s the point of arguing against the standard way of storing dotfiles while basing the remarks on no standard or reference.

    • @[email protected]
      99 months ago

      You’re right that that’s extremely unambiguous, but I still don’t love the idea that users don’t get to decide what’s in $HOME, like, maybe we could call it “$STORAGE_FOR_RANDOM_BULLSHIT” instead?

      If anything in computing conventions implies “user space” it’s a global variable named HOME. And it makes sense that there should be a $STORAGE_FOR_RANDOM_BULLSHIT location too - but maybe not the same place? Then users could symlink the dotfiles they personally find relevant.

      I know you’re not Linus, but, I just had to express that.

      • @[email protected]
        99 months ago

        You’re right that that’s extremely unambiguous, but I still don’t love the idea that users don’t get to decide what’s in $HOME, like, maybe we could call it “$STORAGE_FOR_RANDOM_BULLSHIT” instead?

        That’s basically what $HOME is is used for in UNIX: a place for applications to store user-specific files, including user data and user files.


        If anything in computing conventions implies “user space” it’s a global variable named HOME. And it makes sense that there should be a $STORAGE_FOR_RANDOM_BULLSHIT location too - but maybe not the same place?

        UNIX, and afterwards Unix-like OSes, were designed as multi-user operating systems that supported individual user accounts. Each user needs to store it’s data, and there’s a convenient place to store it: it’s $HOME directory. That’s how things have been designed and have been working for close to half a century.

        Some newer specs such as Freedesktop’s directory specification build upon the UNIX standard and Unix-like tradition, but the truth of the matter is that there aren’t that many reasons to break away from this practice.

    • @[email protected]
      69 months ago

      This isn’t an argument against the standard way of doing things, it is an argument to follow the xdg standard, and use xdg environment variables, rather than creating a new unconfigurable directory in $HOME.