Half the podcasts in my queue have suddenly become paid subscriptions. Meanwhile the overall industry is losing listeners. Seems like a lousy business model to not offer a free with ads feed. What a bizarre trend.

https://www.deseret.com/entertainment/2023/2/9/23592684/decline-of-podcasts#:~:text=Monthly listenership to podcasts seems,podcasts has fallen as well.


  • @[email protected]
    31 year ago

    I pay for it by being part of a community where we all try to help, as good as we can.

    Can’t you see that the big ones are the ones monetising it all? This idea that everything should be monetized is because they want you to work for them so that instead of helping out someone on a forum for free, you could join this new platform where you can, eventually, earn money, but it would most probably not make you rich but some shareholder.

    That also puts pressure on people not helping for free anymore, which the big platforms love, so they can sell that free advice instead…

    Well, that’s how I see things.

    • partial_accumen
      21 year ago

      I pay for it by being part of a community where we all try to help, as good as we can.

      Can I get some clarification of which thing we’re talking about? I’m reading the thread about podcasters that were formerly making podcasts for free, and are now charging. That was what my response was to.

      Your comments about being part of a community seem to talk about something else. Sure, there are plenty of hobbyist forums where everyone contributions and we all consume the results. That’s very different to a podcaster taking the time to research their topic, write a script, go through all the effort of recording, editing, and maintaining all the production infrastructure and promotion of the podcast.

      Are you still talking about podcasts or community driven content on forums?

      • @[email protected]
        -21 year ago

        It was you who started screaming about me not wanting to pay for stuff lol.

        Whatever, keep paying if you can’t find like-minded people I guess.

        • partial_accumen
          21 year ago

          Screaming? Apologies if you read that tone, that wasn’t my intent.

          It was you who started screaming about me not wanting to pay for stuff lol.

          I was responding to this line you wrote in your first post:

          Serious question: what is the content people create that is so costly today?

          As for this:

          Whatever, keep paying if you can’t find like-minded people I guess.

          In many cases may not pay, but I also don’t expect the creator do to the work for free. I can choose to go without the content and not pay. However I don’t blame or judge the creator for charging for their work. They have a choice and I do too. I just don’t complain about the choice the creator (as a Podcaster in the context of this thread) makes if it means I have to go without. They own me nothing.

          • @[email protected]
            -11 year ago

            I guess the funny part is you trying to explain basic capitalism(or whatever you are trying to explain; I need something I pay for it, I shouldn’t be “EnTiTLeD” whatever that was about …) For free :-)

            • partial_accumen
              11 year ago

              Well, you seem to need it. Your argument seems to suggest you are upset that podcasters want to be paid for the work they used to do for free.

              Do you have an alternate explanation for your view?