In 2009 I bought a lot of 10 late 90s Sun servers (1997 machines upgraded a few years later with better CPUs) for $300. Original list price about $2.5 million. After fixing a few problems and swapping parts to max out half the machines, I kept a few as my compute servers, and traded the rest for SGIs. An Onyx for the museum, and a small (one 6’ rack) Origin-2000 for myself.
In 2009 I bought a lot of 10 late 90s Sun servers (1997 machines upgraded a few years later with better CPUs) for $300. Original list price about $2.5 million. After fixing a few problems and swapping parts to max out half the machines, I kept a few as my compute servers, and traded the rest for SGIs. An Onyx for the museum, and a small (one 6’ rack) Origin-2000 for myself.
How much power do they pull from the plug?
The Suns (E4000s) want a 12A circuit. The SGI wants 2 x 16A + 14A for the disk arrays. (Not that either draws nearly that much, of course.)