After the Red Hat mess I see many people saying IBM destroys everything they touch, but I can’t think of many examples of it. Can you tell me what else IBM has destroyed after acquiring it, or something good that they themselves developed and then ruined it with stupid corporate choices?

  • Margot Robbie
    292 years ago

    Have you ever used this thing called “Lotus Notes” before?

    Oh dear God.

      • Mak'
        42 years ago

        That’s a name I’ve not heard in a long time…

    • I worked with someone who moved their entire workload into notes, email, spreadsheets, browsing, embedded sametime, you name it he used notes for it.

    • Canopyflyer
      22 years ago

      Former Domino admin here. My last certification was for Notes/Domino 5, so it’s been a while.

      Yeah, it sucked on the back end too. There were a few good things about it, but there are a lot reasons why Notes/Domino lost to Exchange, SQL Server, and Oracle. Mainly that those other products sucked less.