• JackGreenEarthOP
    31 year ago

    I thought if Judaism is correct gentiles can avoid Gehennom (purgatory) by following the 7 noahide laws?

    • @[email protected]
      31 year ago

      And here I thought the Jewish faith didn’t have an afterlife?

      So much conflicting information in this religion thing. I think I’ll just avoid it all together.

    • Dunno. I haven’t studied it; all my info comes from informal conversations with a jewish friend of mine, a long time ago. I could also be misremembering what he said.

      It’s something I would look into, if faced with confirmation of a judao-christian afterlife, especially if I could concurrently cover multiple bases. I’d look at Islam, as well; could be they’re not mutually exclusive. I dread to think of how limited my diet would become… but faced with an ensured eternity in hell ¯\(ツ)