To clarify here, I don’t feel like I’m significantly smarter than most people, but I feel like people have a hard time doing any sort of thinking about stuff. Especially when it comes to verifying “facts.”

    11 year ago

    For me, it’s not that I don’t want to bother anyone. It’s just that I’m an arrogant pos and I don’t like to admit I don’t know something until I’ve tried to figure it out myself. Kinda toxic, but this forced me to learn a lot of things by myself or via tutorials online.

      21 year ago

      I think I’ll just share my point of view, if you don’t want to hear it then let me know and I’ll delete this comment.

      Projecting the image that you know everything seems kind of brittle to me - once someone sees through once, they’ll never believe you about anything. Besides, it’s okay that you don’t know; if you’re a good learner (you obviously are), then what you know right now is almost a moot point. “I dunno, but give me a few minutes”. That’s my perspective anyway

        01 year ago

        Nope, you’re absolutely right. But I’m not projecting that I know everything. I just won’t ask for help unless I’ve tried by myself, and can’t do it.

        I don’t want to be absolutely clueless about hoe something is done when I ask