I’m really worried about the state of the US despite being a white male who was I’ll coast right through it. I’ll also accept “I don’t” and “very poorly” as answers

        • @[email protected]
          111 year ago

          where’s your data showing this trend of rising crime that has not stopped, bud? because everything i’ve seen shows less crime than before lockdown with only comparing to during lockdowns looking like any increase. they offered data, you offer none except the assumption that there def is a trend in rising crime.

            • @[email protected]
              111 year ago

              you’re the one asserting there’s def an established trend of rising crime and dismissing data that shows you wrong while still offering no data yourself.

                • @[email protected]
                  31 year ago

                  the difference between the lockdowns where there was understandably a drastic drop in crime to after lockdowns were lifted does not a trend make; it’s an externality, and the only rise i referenced. comparing pre lockdown to post lockdown there is a clear continued drop in crime overall. i referenced this lockdown ‘rise’ particularly because it’s what media and fascists have used to pursue greater police budgets and stricter laws and campaigning, and it is misleading at best to parrot their fear mongering over ‘rising crime’ especially without any data to back it up.

    • @[email protected]
      61 year ago

      in the USA atleast, crime is increasing

      Source? I’m pretty sure there was an uptick during the pandemic but then it went down again.

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      Everything ebbs and flows, but on the wider scale of things crime is down and life expectancy is up.