The cause was easy enough to identify: Data parsed by Kuhls and her colleagues showed that drivers were speeding more, on highways and on surface streets, and plowing through intersections with an alarming frequency. Conversely, seatbelt use was down, resulting in thousands of injuries to unrestrained drivers and passengers. After a decade of steady decline, intoxicated-driving arrests had rebounded to near historic highs.

… The relationship between car size and injury rates is still being studied, but early research on the American appetite for horizon-blotting machinery points in precisely the direction you’d expect: The bigger the vehicle, the less visibility it affords, and the more destruction it can wreak.

  • @[email protected]
    11 year ago

    While I agree 99% of people are fucking morons I am curious about something. I’ve been driving for awhile now and I’ve noticed that since 2019 it has gotten SIGNIFICANTLY worse. I’m curious if the increase in awful drivers is in anyway related to the current economy. We have nearly everyone working multiple jobs to stay afloat. Could this be causing people to be more reckless from a mix of exhaustion and the fact they feel forced to take risks and drive in order to maintain their relationships since they don’t have time to do it any other way? I am in no way justifying this behavior I’m merely just interested in if this is in anyway related. I really can’t express just how bad drivers have gotten in such a short span of time.