5E’s semi-official gunslinger uses wisdom instead of intelligence, so unless you have a GM willing to let you make a wis-casting wizard you might want to go cleric instead. I think that swapping casting stats should be allowed in a lot of situations anyway, and not only because wis-ard is a funny pun, but I’m aware that this isn’t a universal opinion. Forge cleric would let you make your gun magic and ask god for ammunition with only two levels though
For the most part it is. But it uses wisdom as its secondary stat, so if you pick a non-wis caster class you’re going to have to split your ASIs up a lot
Artificer would work too though. Arcane spells, flamethrower, and pistol. Call it the 'Namancer. Let the Artificer upgrade it as their wand for Arcane firearm and burst fire a number of shots identical to cantrip scaling.
Hold on. I need to go write this up. I feel some Duality of Man helmet graffiti coming on…
5E’s semi-official gunslinger uses wisdom instead of intelligence, so unless you have a GM willing to let you make a wis-casting wizard you might want to go cleric instead. I think that swapping casting stats should be allowed in a lot of situations anyway, and not only because wis-ard is a funny pun, but I’m aware that this isn’t a universal opinion. Forge cleric would let you make your gun magic and ask god for ammunition with only two levels though
Wizard with a gun is fun and all, but praising blessed ammunition tickles a different set of fancies.
Shouldn’t a gunslinger be a Dexterity based class?
For the most part it is. But it uses wisdom as its secondary stat, so if you pick a non-wis caster class you’re going to have to split your ASIs up a lot
Artificer would work too though. Arcane spells, flamethrower, and pistol. Call it the 'Namancer. Let the Artificer upgrade it as their wand for Arcane firearm and burst fire a number of shots identical to cantrip scaling.
Hold on. I need to go write this up. I feel some Duality of Man helmet graffiti coming on…
Born 2 Cast&Blast
Please keep updated
I think pathfinder has at least 3 ways to build wizard-with-a-gun