I know it’s an unpopular opinion given current circumstances, but I’ve always been a huge nerd about Russia. The history, the geography, the music, etc. And as an American, I’ve always found it fascinating how U.S.-Russian relations have fluctuated over time. We’ve gone from allies, to enemies, to frenemies. This doesn’t mean I support Z or Putin, of course. What are you a nerd about?

  • Jojo
    31 year ago

    Ever heard of toki pona?

    toki! mi jan Jojo, mi pilin pona taso li pona tawa toki.

    • Buglefingers
      21 year ago

      I have not! I haven’t dabbled too much into other languages, but after reading a quick synopsis is seems pretty fun and efficient!

      • Jojo
        11 year ago

        I was almost at the point where I could say I speak it, but I’m not really there anymore. There’s a discord called “ma pona pi toki pona” (a nice place for toki pona) that I liked for a bit.

        It’s a fun language to play with because it forces you to be all poetical with your words since there’s only so many of them.