Fyi: it’s called post secondary because, I think, UK calls it primary, secondary, and after that is post secondary.

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    In Mexico they are:

    • Preescolar/Kinder/Jardín de niños (Preschool): ages 3-5 years old (can vary from state to state).
    • Primaria (Elementary school): 6 years. Ages 6-12.
    • Secundaria (Middle school): 3 years. Ages 12-15.
    • Preparatoria/Bachillerato (High school): 3 years. Ages 15-18.
    • Universidad (University, undergrad education): 2-8 years.
    • Posgrado (Postgraduate education): Variable length. In my field a “Maestría” (Master’s degree) is 2 years, and a “Doctorado” (PhD) is 4 years.