Meme transcription:

Panel 1: Smooth Spongebob extending his hand friendlily to greet someone. Caption: “Your skills when picking up a game after a 6 month break”

Panel 2: Jagged-up Spongebob standing in a ring, angrily looking at his opponent. Caption: “The boss you didn’t want to beat last time”

  • @[email protected]
    151 year ago

    This happened to me in Hollow Knight. I was pretty deep into it and IDK why but I dropped it for a bit. After like 6 months I went back and I could not remember where the hell I was going, any of the mechanics, and every generic enemy was murdering me bad. I really should give that game another try lol I was going to just wait for silksong and play that but… Yeah :'(

    • andrew
      1 year ago

      I stopped at the Watcher Knights for the same reason I stopped in Elden Ring. I can only get my butt kicked handily so many times before the rest of my Steam backlog starts to look a lot more appealing.

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      Man, I want to get back into this game, I never beat it either. But some of the boss battles are like intricate dances. Don’t even get me started on the path of pain.

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      Funny enough I forgot that I dropped Hollow Knight at the final boss. A second stage that drops a whole new set of double damage attacks to learn to avoid was too much for me.