Do you root or do you go straight to ROMs?

  • @[email protected]
    121 year ago

    Rooted yes, custom rom no (pixel 7). But on previous phones, custom rom once the manufacturers stops providing updates. Using Magisk, all my banking, Netflix, McDonald’s, etc still works because I have it hidden from those apps. Root apps I use are things like adaway, wireguard module (not using android vpn), sshfs, 3c toolbox, tasker. And generally having root shell access to do whatever I want to do.

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      Do you happen to have some resources or links re sshfs? Once I found an app which supports mounting over sshfs but it is barely documented and iirc required passwordless ssh keys to work :(

      • @[email protected]
        1 year ago

        I’m using the EasySSHFS package from F-Droid. Similar to mounting on Linux, you must create a folder as the mount point. For example, on my phone I first manually made the folder called /storage/self/primary/mnt in a local root terminal in connectbot (create a connection, protocol local, type in “su” to become root, grant access when prompted, then type “mkdir /storage/self/primary/mnt” to create the directory)

        In the EasySSHFS new connection setup, i put that path in the seventh field on the form. In the sixth field is the path on the remote server that you wish to mount, for example /home/khorak

        In the other fields give the username and password (or key file)

        The last field contains the mount options, I did not need to change them but you can if needed.

        EasySSHFS needs to be allowed root access.

        Once you mount, the folder created previously at /storage/self/primary/mnt will contain the contents of the remote server. In my case, using this path makes it appear like it is on the sdcard in android. I can watch videos using VLC or listen to mp3 songs etc as if they are local on my phone.