• @[email protected]
    41 year ago

    Yeah dude, let me just dismantle America rn. In the meantime, fuck anyone on the Republican shit list. They should of focused on dismantling america rather than transing their genders or whatever. Don’t worry, after this revolution I’m gonna do they totally will be accepted and not targeted. But until then, doing minor actions that in no way hinder the progress towards dismantling america but do make the life’s of queer folk maybe less concentration campy is pointless because thats only 1% less Hitler to me, and why would I care about that? A worthy sacrifice. I mean if I took the day to go vote, my whole socialist output, organizing and networking collapses! They are a sacrifice that I am willing to make. Thank you for opening my eyes.

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      If Joe Biden wants me to vote for him, maybe he should use his executive powers to help my trans comrades facing persecution in red states

      Liberals act like democrats are the only thing standing between us and Republicans, and that if Republicans win it’ll be the end of the world, so why aren’t they out there standing between? Why aren’t they willing to actually use force against the fascists?

      If democrats think Trump is literally Hitler, the jackass obviously stole nuclear secrets, put him on trial and execute him for treason when he is found guilty.

      But the democrats obviously won’t do this. Because they’re not on your side. They’re the good cop to the republican bad cop.

        • @[email protected]
          11 year ago

          I dont even think it is about 3rd party stuff, I think it is about

          “The facade of democracy gives us legitimacy, come on folks just participate in our democracy! Don’t think about how the system could be otherwise changed!”

    • ComradeSharkfucker
      1 year ago

      Dawg have you met communists??? A large portion of us are queer, i’m queer. Are you suggesting that i should vote for genocide Joe out of fear of being persecuted? I can accomplish a lot through literally every political avenue other than voting

      • @[email protected]
        101 year ago

        And what does voting do to hinder those things? We both communists but you act like if you vote everything you else do doesn’t matter. You act like if you dare vote in favor of any kind of harm reduction that you somehow ain’t a communist or you somehow are contributing. That’s not how that works. One of these two options will happen. The least you can do is take half a second to pick the one that will kill less people in the meantime while we keep working.

        If your complaint is that “I don’t wanna contribute to the system” then the fuck are you doing here? Go to the woods and punch trees like the libertarians. You live and participate in capitalism weather you like it or not, and in the meantime you play games, watch movies and pay rent. You already prop up genocide Joe with your taxes I’m sure you pay. Drawing the line at voting is just silly

        • ComradeSharkfucker
          11 year ago

          I won’t take a second to vote for him in part because it makes me stomach churn but also because without the threat of losing voters democrats literally have no incentive to impliment leftist policies. As a communist i’d expect you to be aware of that? I’m not a reformist and I don’t believe that socialism can be voted into existence but I definitely see how voting blue no matter who is incredibly short sighted.

          Why should our “left” political party do anything that benefits the proletariat if they will still be voted into office if they don’t. Ultimately the democratic party is a bourgeoisie organization that serves its own interests which directly conflict with the interests of the prole. They will not offer us the slightest concession if they do not stand to lose something by not doing so.

          • @[email protected]
            61 year ago

            Because the other option is more people suffer and I am not an accelerationist willing to hold my comrades lives hostage to prove a point to liberals. There are other means and methods. We can’t vote socialism in but that doesn’t mean we ignore it. It serves another purpose if not the one you want it to.

      • @[email protected]
        71 year ago

        It seems pretty clear that queer people would be persecuted a hell of a lot more under Trump than Biden.

        • @[email protected]
          31 year ago

          Woman here.

          I lost my reproductive rights under Biden and a democratic house and senate. They did nothing to save Roe other than howl at the moon and write strongly worded letters.

          Fuck both parties. Fuck electorial politics. We COULD elect a green party president but people like you swallow the party line and spend your time yelling at us to vote for your shit candidates who don’t want to work for us instead of actually working to put people in power who want to protect AND expand rights.

          I’ve been in this game a long ass time. The two party system will lead us to fascism eventually. The only way to win is to refuse to play their game.

          • @[email protected]
            21 year ago

            Roe getting gutted was the result of conservative judges that got appointed to the supreme court and the states that have taken further steps to restrict are republican run states. The majority that the Dems had was very slim not enough to get a lot passed especially when the “majority” included “moderates” like Manchin and Sinema.

            I agree the Dems and libs suck. If they werent so smugly sure that clinton would win 2016 they would have not played politics and forced in their supreme court pick and we would have less of a minority.

            Roe getting gutted is the result of a decades long plan by the republican party and letting them them win a majority again will only make things worse.

            • @[email protected]
              31 year ago

              And yet Biden refused to stack the court when he had the power too. And his party refused to codify roe into law since the supreme court decided the case in the 70’s. Obama even ran on codification in his first campaign and started out with a super majority.

              It’s the fault of republican assholery and democratic lazyness.

          • @[email protected]
            1 year ago

            people like you

            I’m not even American. I don’t think I was “shouting” or “pushing” anything. Was just commenting my opinion, for as little as that’s worth.

          • @[email protected]
            21 year ago

            Because that’s fucking reality right now. We are living in a hellscape and I’d like to at the very least slow down the fucking. 4 years later is 4 more years to do something. Even if it doesn’t fix the problem, it’s at least slower, less severe. And not voting isn’t going to change that. It does nothing. It makes no statement, it makes no progress. You feel better not voting for Joe? Cool, so happy for you. Meanwhile Trump wins and someone’s life gets worse than it would have. It’s a shitty choice but that’s the reality. So unless you wanna pick up a gun and start taking shots at the expense of your own life, take the 5 seconds to do the smallest act of kindness you have with this impossible choice

              • @[email protected]
                61 year ago

                Your right. Re-reading I was heated from other discussions and came into your reply tainted by them. I apologize and agree with you. It just sucks and makes me emotional seeing people be willing to sacrifice others for nothing. You did nothing wrong. I’m sorry.

            • @[email protected]
              -11 year ago

              Who are you going to vote for when 2028 is Mitt Romney (D) versus Marjorie Taylor Green ®? Because that’s the path lesser-evilism will lead us too.

              • @[email protected]
                01 year ago

                I’d still vote for mitt Romney in that scenario. Do you not get that voting doesn’t prevent you from doing anything? You not voting doesn’t stop it from effecting your life. The best you can do in that scenario is to pick the not worse option. It doesn’t feel gr8 to make this choice. It sucks ass that we have to make it, but you do nothing by not making it. You just allow the depression of the reality of the world get you to throw your hands up in frustration.

                Voting doesn’t stop you from participating in direct action

                It doesn’t legitimize the system, that’s already done. You and I and all of us can’t touch that. It will run off as little votes as it needs to.

                I get your frustration. It fucking sucks, but just like you pay your taxes, slave for your boss and make the ruling class money just to stay alive yourself, this is no different. Swallow your pride and try to make someone’s life a little better than it’d be otherwise. Because someone’s life depends on it. Care about the people who’d be hurt quicker.

                Care about the people who would suffer under the worse option. Care that you can in a very small way give human beings a little more time. If I had to go to the booth and vote on 4 years of Holocaust or 6 I’d vote 4. It’s cruel to do otherwise in the face of an Impossible decision.

        • Sybil
          01 year ago

          It seems pretty clear that queer people would be persecuted a hell of a lot more under Trump than Biden.

          from what i can tell, it’s getting wors, not better, in the last 5 years. i have no reason to believe it would get better with either of them.

        • @[email protected]
          1 year ago

          Do you actually care about queer people? Because it is obvious that the democrats as a national party will do nothing to protect us, let alone build bulwarks against the next time Republicans take power nationally.

          “Vote to get sent to a camp four years later” is what I hear the democrats trying to sell. Sorry but that isn’t a very compelling sales pitch, because you’re out here admitting “we are going to kill you”

      • @[email protected]
        11 year ago

        Wow. The blue no matter who liberals are downvoting a queer person now. It’s almost like they don’t give a shit about your needs as a person and only want to campaign on an abstract that is LGBTQ rights.

        Solidarity with you, comrade.