So Mexico first means letting the cartels run your country? If you can’t clear them out alone the next best option is help from the largest military in the world.
No one can “clear them out”, even if the u.s. army came in and killed every last cartel member, the demand for drugs would still remain and a new cartel would pop up as soon as the u.s. leaves. It would basically be Afghanistan all over again, a bunch of people will die, trillions of dollars will be spent only to have it all go to waste as soon as we leave.
Violence can’t solve the underlying social issues causing these groups to form.
The best solution would be the Vetinari solution - legalise the cartels, drop all cases against them, and leave them alone. In return, they must maintain law and order within their ranks, help the government catch unregulated gangsters, stop attacks on civilians, and pay tax.
The backing of the state is the biggest prize any criminal can get. Why do you think many pirates became privateers? And why do billionaires buy and bribe politicians? Now this is definitely not a good thing, but in the circumstances it might be the least bad option.
The difference is pirates lose to the navy. The cartels can stand up to the Mexican government and make their life hell if they try crack down on their activities.
Yes, Mexico will have to give them pretty significant concessions, which is definitely a problem. But at least they’ll stop shooting up busses full of civilians.
So Mexico first means letting the cartels run your country? If you can’t clear them out alone the next best option is help from the largest military in the world.
USA can’t even fix the drug trade domestically. Hint: we’re complicit.
In no small part due to the fact they have cartels running the countries right next to them.
No one can “clear them out”, even if the u.s. army came in and killed every last cartel member, the demand for drugs would still remain and a new cartel would pop up as soon as the u.s. leaves. It would basically be Afghanistan all over again, a bunch of people will die, trillions of dollars will be spent only to have it all go to waste as soon as we leave.
Violence can’t solve the underlying social issues causing these groups to form.
You can only win the war on cartels, if you kill the demand for (illegal) drugs first. Then they will go away on their own.
You are just fighting symptoms otherwise.
I like your take kid, but unfortunately you need to web search “cartel avocados”, or “cartel limes”.
There’s demand for illegal drugs in the entire world. Only Mexico is weak (and pathetic) enough to let themselves be ruled by loser drug dealers.
The best solution would be the Vetinari solution - legalise the cartels, drop all cases against them, and leave them alone. In return, they must maintain law and order within their ranks, help the government catch unregulated gangsters, stop attacks on civilians, and pay tax.
I don’t think partnering with the cartels is a good idea. They already do what they want why would they take orders from the government.
The backing of the state is the biggest prize any criminal can get. Why do you think many pirates became privateers? And why do billionaires buy and bribe politicians? Now this is definitely not a good thing, but in the circumstances it might be the least bad option.
The difference is pirates lose to the navy. The cartels can stand up to the Mexican government and make their life hell if they try crack down on their activities.
Yes, Mexico will have to give them pretty significant concessions, which is definitely a problem. But at least they’ll stop shooting up busses full of civilians.
Right now, you might be the only person on .works who doesn’t sound like a slavering, blood-thirsty ghoul. Honestly and sincerely, keep that shit up.