It sounds dumb but my pick would be the SNES. There’s just something about 16 bit games I love.

The SNES has so many good games, like sf2. The first party games and some good arcade ports.

It also has a lot of good RPGs, like chrono trigger

The controller is really cute

Tho, the PSP is a close second. Tekken dr running at 3x resolution looks beautiful

Yes I’m a sucker for dpad centric devices. Yes i love emulation.

16 bit stuff looks amazing

  • @[email protected]
    911 months ago

    The challenge with this question is that not everyone has played in every console, so like, for me, I can only comment on the Atari 2600, the Wii and the XBOX 360.

    From that small sample, the wii wins hands down. I loved the motion controllers a lot.

    • Berttheduck
      811 months ago

      The Wii brought gaming to the general public in a way nothing else had. Like most modern Nintendo consoles it was under powered and gimmicky but the gimmick worked so well for people new to gaming, point at the TV or wiggle the controller as you would to do the thing in real life was a huge step to making an abstract concept make sense to people. For longer gaming sessions or more “serious” games the Wii controls were generally lacking but damn if Wii sports wasn’t good fun.

      • @[email protected]
        311 months ago

        I think because it was so different from what came right before it: Gamecube, PS3, Xbox.

        Waving that Wiimote around was a blast for everyone, gamers and non-gamers alike. Tons of hours of play in this Sports Resort, for instance.

        I get what @berttheduck said about long games / serious gamers but can you imagine your grandma trying to play most Switch or PS5 or other new console games now?