Most of the functionality is present but many important bits are still being developed.

  • gregorum
    -2010 months ago

    Feel free to exit the conversation of you disapprove of the tone.

    I am not your employee. Do not speak to me as if am. You have done nothing, nor have I ever agreed, to be treated as such. Your entitlement is underserved.

    If you insist on being treated as an entire and elevated elite, you will be disappointed. I will never do that because you have not earned that level of respect. I doubt you’re capable of it.

    • @[email protected]
      1610 months ago

      Oh man, you do realize that you are digging a deeper hole for yourself, don’t you? And is it too much to ask to treat people with different opinions respectfully and not try to belittle them? Judging by the upvotes/downvotes, the majority of people here agree with me, so maybe it is time for a little bit of self-reflection on your side.

      Regarding your arguments:

      • Yes, Apple historically supported OpenCL and OpenGL, but since then they migrated to Metal which is not open source.
      • If you are talking about OpenElm, I am not familiar with it so much, but historically Apple was notorious for preventing their researchers from even publishing their research, and only relatively recently did they start allowing them after they realized this could be a deciding factor.
      • Swift is open-sourced, but it is primarily focused on iOS, macOS, tvOS, and iPadOS app development, not to mention that it requires Mac to compile your source code.
      • Webkit in my opinion is the only one that is worth mentioning here.

      And yes, we are talking about a multi-trillion dollar company that greatly benefitted from Open Source and yet, in my opinion, did bring very little back to it. Not to mention their continued efforts to gatekeep their ecosystem by introducing closed source standards, that are only supported by their devices, which in my opinion contradicts to the philosophy of open source.

      • gregorum
        -1310 months ago

        Your personal disapproval of Apple’s direction does not negate their contributions.

        Show me on the doll Where Apple hurt you…

      • gregorum
        10 months ago

        Work out your own problems with a shrink. They have no place here.

        If you can’t discuss simple technological issues without having an ego battle, it’s time to check yourself.