Lmao, what a wild assumption that they could take whatever icons they like, with no basis in reality.
that’s…. exactly what they do buddy. you don’t seem the type to care for counter-examples so i won’t even try and list any of the many, many fucking instances of this happening irl
Just off the top of my head those are a few. And that’s with people holding the line and continuing to use these symbols without hate. We don’t need more people defending their claims.
Degenerate, 88, 14, the Roman salute, multiple names, the fascista, shaven heads, lighting motifs, runic symbols.
That’s just what I came up with off the top of my head. The other person is right, and I say we should reclaim every symbol because those fuckers shouldn’t be allowed to call anything their own or have anything to ralley around or identify each other with. The only symbol I’m aware of that the made was the black sun which is itself simply the ss symbol repeated around a circle, which itself is an appropriated rune.
88, the Roman Salute, a couple of names, and double lightning aren’t acceptable and it can stay that way without any harm. Why do you even want those things? It serves no good.
Shaven heads, runes, 14, and the word Degenerate are all fine without additional context, but the first 3 can certainly be red flags in the presence of additional factors.
They should have symbols to call their own, so we can easily identify and target them.
An icon represents what the people think it represents.
An icon can also have different meanings to different people. It’s ok if you don’t like it. But I don’t think it’s fair to say that the majority of people that use or share Pepe are from one specific ideological group
Honestly I expected the ratio to be worse given the context of the post. People generally don’t like having harsh reality pointed out on their funny meme images.
Almost every meme template has been used to make alt-right nonsense, do we just abandon any symbol they pick up for their misdeeds? Or do we push back and refuse to allow them that kind of control over our culture?
Very few and far between were exclusive to the right. Pepe was. It started as theirs and continued to be theirs for a long time, in my opinion still continues to be theirs. You few fighting for the symbol’s continued use in good faith (if you are) are not the majority.
It started as a french cartoon and got coopted into the feelsbadman meme format in 2009 and then skyrocketed in popularity and mainstream use in 2015-2016 by pro-trump conservatives.
Even if it were present in every single greentext like some sort of bizarre requirement, it still would have more use by nazis and propogandists than anyone else.
Imagine unironically saying we should normalize nazi swastikas. If that’s not what it takes for you to reevaluate your stance, then you’re a lost cause.
the symbol predates Germany, initial findings date it back to 3300-1300 BC. you’re telling me all historical religious symbols in Asian countries should wiped of the icon because of Nazis misappropriating their symbol? you would literally deface ancient sites that predate nazis by thousands of years because you can only see it as a symbol of hate?
you can use context clues such as actual hate speech, nazi slogans and genocide to distinguish those that are actually racist. the whole point of nazism is to erase culture and replace it with only the “one true race”. by allowing nazis and white supremacists to appropriate symbols you’re actively giving them power.
Yes, again, I’ve read your comments and understood them. Maybe you’re the one having comprehension troubles, here?
I don’t see how this comment in any way argues against any of my statements. You either never disagreed with me to begin with about swastikas being bannable outside of specific religious contexts, or you want contextless hate speech to be allowed as a blanket rule. There is no in-between.
So then, you think Nazi Swastikas without context should be allowed without any repercussions.
That’s incoherent. “Nazi swastika” and “without context” doesn’t mesh because “Nazi” is a context for “swastika”.
That aside, I’m going to take German law as an example: No, non-nazi swastikas are very much not outlawed. You can see them on stray Hindu temples or shrines in the country, for example. “Without” context they’re generally assumed to be Nazi ones over here because historical context, also, only Nazis draw random swastikas over here. You also see ones broken in pieces getting thrown in the trash or in a crossed-out circle, those come from the Antifa side.
Both the Hindu and Antifa uses are legal, the Nazi ones aren’t. That’s because German law doesn’t outlaw the swastika as such, it outlaws “using symbols of unconstitutional or outlawed organisations in a manner suitable to further their aims”. A Nazi painting a Swastika on a Jewish gravestone is considered furthering the aims of the NSDAP, which had the swastika as their logo. A Hindu chiselling a swastika into their gravestone is a completely different matter. (Do Hindus use gravestones? Anyway doesn’t matter it’s a hypothetical example).
In another country, where the historical context is different, those “without” context swastikas won’t be interpreted the same as in Germany. So even under German law those would arguably be legal, there.
There it is! Tankies are so “reasonable” being aligned with authoritarian warmongers. Idk why you proclaim to be so against nazis when you share so much of your ideology with them.
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I’m pretty sure Pepe was only temporarily coopted by the far rights, and has since been reclaimed.
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You’re right. Hey lemmy, lets all accommodate this one guys specific likes and dislikes so he doesn’t get his lil feels hurt!
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If you let them dictate what is theirs, they’ll take everything.
Lmao, what a wild assumption that they could take whatever icons they like, with no basis in reality.
that’s…. exactly what they do buddy. you don’t seem the type to care for counter-examples so i won’t even try and list any of the many, many fucking instances of this happening irl
Ohmygod you’re right just look at the countless examples:
Pepe the Frog 2015
Swastika 1907
They can really just take whatever they want! /sarcasm
Just off the top of my head those are a few. And that’s with people holding the line and continuing to use these symbols without hate. We don’t need more people defending their claims.
The difference is that none of these things are widely considered hate speech. Pepe is.
Degenerate, 88, 14, the Roman salute, multiple names, the fascista, shaven heads, lighting motifs, runic symbols.
That’s just what I came up with off the top of my head. The other person is right, and I say we should reclaim every symbol because those fuckers shouldn’t be allowed to call anything their own or have anything to ralley around or identify each other with. The only symbol I’m aware of that the made was the black sun which is itself simply the ss symbol repeated around a circle, which itself is an appropriated rune.
Reclaim every symbol.
I do believe 88 was just 2x the 8th letter of the alphabet which is H, which was short for what they say in the Hitlergruß.
This is a perfectly reasonable explanation to me and fits too well for this to seem like a coincidence.
88, the Roman Salute, a couple of names, and double lightning aren’t acceptable and it can stay that way without any harm. Why do you even want those things? It serves no good.
Shaven heads, runes, 14, and the word Degenerate are all fine without additional context, but the first 3 can certainly be red flags in the presence of additional factors.
They should have symbols to call their own, so we can easily identify and target them.
That’s your position. Not mine. They can’t have shit, because I won’t let them
An icon represents what the people think it represents.
An icon can also have different meanings to different people. It’s ok if you don’t like it. But I don’t think it’s fair to say that the majority of people that use or share Pepe are from one specific ideological group
Myself and a great many people associate it with hate speech and you’re continuing to use it regardless. That tells more about you than me.
I’m just gonna go ahead and say ratio’d. And yes, I’ve read all of the discourse ITT.
Honestly I expected the ratio to be worse given the context of the post. People generally don’t like having harsh reality pointed out on their funny meme images.
Lmao buddy your meme policing isn’t “harsh reality” it’s useless slacktivism.
Almost every meme template has been used to make alt-right nonsense, do we just abandon any symbol they pick up for their misdeeds? Or do we push back and refuse to allow them that kind of control over our culture?
Very few and far between were exclusive to the right. Pepe was. It started as theirs and continued to be theirs for a long time, in my opinion still continues to be theirs. You few fighting for the symbol’s continued use in good faith (if you are) are not the majority.
It certainly did not start as theirs.
It started as a french cartoon and got coopted into the feelsbadman meme format in 2009 and then skyrocketed in popularity and mainstream use in 2015-2016 by pro-trump conservatives.
Even if it were present in every single greentext like some sort of bizarre requirement, it still would have more use by nazis and propogandists than anyone else.
I understand. It is inaccurate to say it started as a far-right icon.
the swastika was originally a religious icon used and still used in Hinduism, Buddhism and Jianism, i wouldn’t consider them Nazis… Context matters
Its even older than that actually. The oldest recorded use of the swastika is from around 13.000 BCE. Here is a good article by the BBC: https://www.bbc.com/culture/article/20210816-the-ancient-symbol-that-was-hijacked-by-evil
Imagine unironically saying we should normalize nazi swastikas. If that’s not what it takes for you to reevaluate your stance, then you’re a lost cause.
the symbol predates Germany, initial findings date it back to 3300-1300 BC. you’re telling me all historical religious symbols in Asian countries should wiped of the icon because of Nazis misappropriating their symbol? you would literally deface ancient sites that predate nazis by thousands of years because you can only see it as a symbol of hate?
you can use context clues such as actual hate speech, nazi slogans and genocide to distinguish those that are actually racist. the whole point of nazism is to erase culture and replace it with only the “one true race”. by allowing nazis and white supremacists to appropriate symbols you’re actively giving them power.
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literally my first comment said context matters. if you see an image with hate speech maybe its the speech that you should pay attention to.
Yes, again, I’ve read your comments and understood them. Maybe you’re the one having comprehension troubles, here?
I don’t see how this comment in any way argues against any of my statements. You either never disagreed with me to begin with about swastikas being bannable outside of specific religious contexts, or you want contextless hate speech to be allowed as a blanket rule. There is no in-between.
That’s incoherent. “Nazi swastika” and “without context” doesn’t mesh because “Nazi” is a context for “swastika”.
That aside, I’m going to take German law as an example: No, non-nazi swastikas are very much not outlawed. You can see them on stray Hindu temples or shrines in the country, for example. “Without” context they’re generally assumed to be Nazi ones over here because historical context, also, only Nazis draw random swastikas over here. You also see ones broken in pieces getting thrown in the trash or in a crossed-out circle, those come from the Antifa side.
Both the Hindu and Antifa uses are legal, the Nazi ones aren’t. That’s because German law doesn’t outlaw the swastika as such, it outlaws “using symbols of unconstitutional or outlawed organisations in a manner suitable to further their aims”. A Nazi painting a Swastika on a Jewish gravestone is considered furthering the aims of the NSDAP, which had the swastika as their logo. A Hindu chiselling a swastika into their gravestone is a completely different matter. (Do Hindus use gravestones? Anyway doesn’t matter it’s a hypothetical example).
In another country, where the historical context is different, those “without” context swastikas won’t be interpreted the same as in Germany. So even under German law those would arguably be legal, there.
Have you met lemmygrad.ml?
What about them?
You don’t have to explain why fascist symbols are bad, there. You might find most lemmygraders to be pretty reasonable.
Lmfao, go suck Putin’s/Jinping’s dick elsewhere.
mournfully flipping the counter back to “0” on the “it has been X days since a turbolib said something deeply homophobic” sign
What’s homophobic about calling you morons submissives for dictators?
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There it is! Tankies are so “reasonable” being aligned with authoritarian warmongers. Idk why you proclaim to be so against nazis when you share so much of your ideology with them.
pepe is my gay son and i love him
I didnt ask and I dont care.
That’s Apu not Pepe either way, but many leftists use pepe anyways. Just maybe not the ones you know.