• @[email protected]
        158 months ago

        I’d like to say this to singers…

        No, maybe you wrote this in your lyrics sheet and planned to say it. But…what you actually said in the song was…

      • @[email protected]
        78 months ago

        I remember being in a hotel once, and scrolling through channels and saw a concert channel playing a Bruce Springsteen show. And he’s sitting at the piano doing a little monologue about the song, and he doesn’t say douche, but refers to a cover (the Manfred Mann version) and it using “feminine products” instead of deuce, which is what he wrote.

        I don’t know what Manfred said, but even the Boss thinks he said douche.

    • @[email protected]
      18 months ago

      So Bruce Springsteen wrote the original version of “Blinded By the Light”. But Manfred Mann’s version was the one that was a huge hit. And Mann’s version does say “wrapped up like a douche” (versus Springsteen saying “revved up like a duce”).

      I saw an interview with Springsteen where he speculated that was the biggest writing mistake he’d made. If only he’d said “wrapped up like a douche”, maybe his version would have sold better.