Let me preface this by saying I am a man, and smoked a little too much, so I’m sitting here thinking… what is or was the original purpose of a bra? Weight support? Vanity? Covering the nips so people’s eyes met your eyes and you can have a normal conversation? Like what’s it all about?

  • Hemingways_Shotgun
    18 months ago

    No one at any point said not to be attracted to that person. But that doesn’t mean people (men or women) should be drooling rutting animals about it.

    In the adult world that (most of us) should have left behind after our bar-hopping twenties, finding someone attractive can be done without eye-fucking them like a creep.

    • @[email protected]
      18 months ago

      I can also play that game. Not at any point did I say to be drooling rotting animals. You are the one using those word words along with words like eye-fucking…

      I think you have a twisted view of sexuality my man.