• @[email protected]
    8 months ago

    Well people are claiming valve is making loads of games and don’t have issues with their structure. So I’m providing evidence to counter these clearly wrong opinions. Isn’t that what you do? Support your claims with evidence instead of screaming and yelling like the other users are doing and provide nothing meaningful to the conversation…?

    Do you guys not like proof to show that you are wrong or something? I get it valve is being bashed and you don’t like it, so why is everyone derailing conversations about the topic…? People can’t discuss stuff that you don’t like or something….?

    • just another dev
      28 months ago

      Hey, you do you. I just want to give you the feedback that when you repeatedly post something as blatant as a full page screenshot, it really stands out, especially on mobile. It might give off some fanatical vibes (in the original sense of the word).

      Do with that what you will.