Job: cashier

Item doesn’t scan

Customer: “That means it’s free, right?”


Only about 4 weeks in as a cashier and I’ve heard this enough to last me a lifetime.

  • Slippery_Snake874
    238 months ago

    Same factory just send the units that normally wouldn’t be sellable (defects and such) but still function to the US

    • EleventhHour
      158 months ago

      The massive volume of sales for North America is too big to be met by factory defects. They’d have to have entire factories making defects.

      • @[email protected]
        198 months ago

        Just because all defect stock are routed to the US inventory, doesn’t mean that US inventory is made up of all defect stock.

        • EleventhHour
          8 months ago

          as someone who deals with this professionally, i assure you: they are.

          every samsung appliance consistently fails in one of a few ways, so much so that it’s not simply a matter of by-chance defects. they’re design flaws.

          • bizarroland
            68 months ago

            With Samsung it’s almost always caused in my experience by either the use of plastics that are not up to the stress requirements of the application, or the use of electronics that are not capable of standing up to the use duration.

            Samsung appliances that I have had have always had either broken plastics or fried circuit boards.

            And they’ve got to know that these things break because there are always replacement parts for the specific ones that break, but if you’re not a DIYer you will pay 70% of the cost of the original appliance to install the part that broke.

            • @[email protected]
              58 months ago

              Samsung washing machine spider arms are very clearly designed to corrode to failure just outside the warranty period. You can tell because every other metal bit exposed to the water will still be shiny and pristine. They literally make a critical structural part out of the stuff you’d usually use for a sacrificial anode.

    • @[email protected]
      88 months ago

      You say that, but my experience is different. After my Samsung washing machine failed, I took it apart and found blatant evidence of planned obsolescence. If the units elsewhere are good, then the ones in the US aren’t just the same things with defects, but rather ones with spider arms cast from an entirely different metal alloy.

      • Slippery_Snake874
        28 months ago

        Fair enough, I was just guessing at a way one country could receive only/mostly inferior products