• @[email protected]
    18 months ago

    I’m currently working outside my old home, preparing it for sell. Taking a break right now.

    A little old lady just stopped to grab things I’m sitting by the road for picking. She has a daughter and grandkids that are running from abuse. They’ll be getting a bunk bed and dressers from us. She likes pigs, we have pet pigs. I’m sitting aside some pig figurines that my girl left behind. One is a birdhouse that is full of piss ants, an invasive species. I poisned the fuck out them because they need to die. They’re varmints.

    I have a rat problem I’m dealing with due to the cat moving and a bag of feed being left behind. I’m using poison, traps, and a gun to kill the varmints.

    I’m not going to take the time to watch whatever videos you’re suggesting. Eating meat isn’t rape. That is a stupid argument you shouldn’t use. It is killing. I’m comfortable with killing.

    I’m likely way more in tune with nature, animals, and trying to minimize my impact on the earth than you ever will be. Some of your ideology is poisonous and you are sick from it.

    Humans have canines and binocular vision because we are omnivores. Meat and killing can be ethical, it’s just difficult.

    • @[email protected]
      8 months ago

      You’re comfortable with killing because you’re not the one whos throat is being slit.
      I would argue that your idiology is way more poisonous and harmful than mine. If you don’t want to watch anything, you can read the transscript here.
      Who’s got the most impressive canines? You know what they eat?

      • @[email protected]
        28 months ago

        The woman in that picture has some very minor canines.

        The cat has some big ones.

        Walking out of a unsuccessful deer hunt, I had an encounter with a mountain lion. Hissed and growled it away. Like totally a peak life experience. It was thinking about eating me and I convinced it otherwise. Did pull my pocket gun in fear.

        • @[email protected]
          8 months ago

          This is seriously an impressive story. It is not a great point for killing sentient beings for your selfish pleasure though.