For example, I love how the human brain consists of layers from different evolutionary phases (like the mammalian and reptilian brains), which reminds me of seeing remnants of teletype code in modern macOS.

  • SolidGrue
    38 months ago

    I see Systems Engineering analogies in a lot of complex natural systems. It’s a great model to understand how the world around you works, as long as you remember it’s only a model.

    For example, I optimize my navigation around town sort of like the OSPF network routing protocol. I consider the speed limit & number of lanes to be analogous to the link cost, traffic lights as Layer 3 hops, and stop signs as Layer 2 hops. I consider the local highways to be my “backbone area” so navigation is optimized to find the shortest path from wherever I am to the nearest major highway. Sometimes the solution takes me a mile or two out of my way, but I’ll avoid 4 or 5 busy lights by taking a back road or cutting through a residential block.

    In fact, the airline network is similarly structured: for a given carrier, routes among their hubs are their backbone area, and routes between regional airports in different regions connect through one or two hubs. As a traveler between two regional airports, you’re likely to fly to the hub closest to your destination and meet a second leg back out the the other airport. All to better if you just live near a hub.