I never understand why people love Mr Beast content. I never enjoyed it.

    • @[email protected]
      268 months ago

      I’m always suspicious of people who make a show of their philanthropy. It just makes it seem like they’re either exploiting people for their own gain, or they have something to hide and are trying to do so with philanthropic work.

      • @[email protected]
        8 months ago

        I mean yes but isn’t that being extremely pedantic?

        Take Mr Beast or an hypothetical example. Give 1M to strangers in need, record it, upload it to YouTube make 4M on ads and other sponsors (content is still free). Pocket 2M, make second video where he gives 2M to other strangers in need. Record it, upload it to YouTube etc etc

        Now I agree with you, philosophically it’s best to give without expecting or earning anything in return. But is that really the best outcome? Isn’t it actually arguably better to publicize it and with it reach and help way more people?

        For me the answer is clear. I’d rather have someone record and even make money of this type of content (as long as there’s no exploitation or slimy shit) than have that same someone not do that and instead only help a fraction of the people. I’ll argue that the people being helped don’t give a crap about it, so it feels a bit patronizing to say that they shouldn’t be helped because of X or Y

        This isn’t specific to Mr Beast, I don’t even know the details of the recent scandal. I just see this argument everywhere and I feel it’s very naive

      • @[email protected]
        18 months ago

        Well, without making money on the philanthropy videos he wouldn’t have money to continue making philanthropy videos. He may be doing it as a 100% selfish thing, but so what? The end result is that lots of lives are improved. I won’t watch his videos, but I’m glad people are being helped.

    • @[email protected]
      128 months ago

      Guy brought crypto-bros’ fake twitter/telegram giveaways scheme to youtube. Anybody with some knowledge of social media scams should have been suspicious. But his viewers were mostly kids and kids like flashy over the top content.

      Anyone remember these on Xitter?

      Like, subscribe, follow me and 10 other accounts and post proof in comments for a chance to win 0.0000000000000001 buttcoin.

      5 comments after this post get a NFT worth $NOTHING

      With a bot farm driving engagement, there’d be 1000s of comments in few hours. Probably mostly fake but still a lot of suckers reeled in everyday.

    • @[email protected]
      18 months ago

      That’s not the philanthropy part, the games he does are usually with his friends yeah, also in a smaller town in the Carolinas so you probably already know most everyone. The philanthropy stuff is building wells, bridges, houses, planting trees, and what not in other countries, I really don’t see those being his friends as he doesn’t know their languages.