• tuckerm
    638 months ago

    I love when anti-progressive people “take a stand” against California by moving to Texas, and then they move to the most famously progressive city in Texas.

    Austin: For those who are stupid enough to relocate based on culture war bullshit, but not stupid enough to think that you’re hiring software developers and creatives out in the boonies.

    • Scrubbles
      348 months ago

      Aka “the taxes are lower for us”.

      Also Chevron was leaving. Fucking bye. Two shit companies not in Cali. Oh no, two of the worst companies have left, all we have left now are the thousands of startups, Google, apple, Microsoft, Uber, Lyft, and hundreds more.

      Plus the only reason xitter could leave is because they laid off 90% of your staff, and tbh this is probably another silent layoff. (Uproot your families and move to Texas or you willingly quit). So yeah, moving 20 people and hiring 10 in Austin probably isn’t too difficult anymore.

      • rhabarba
        48 months ago

        Oh no, two of the worst companies have left, all we have left now are (…) Google, apple, Microsoft, Uber

        So, all that’s left is even worse? ;-)

    • Pete HahnloserOP
      48 months ago

      Also, the easiest way – by far – to get a job in Austin is to not already be in Austin. God help you once you’re already here and get laid off.