So, anybody know a good launcher to use once Nova goes offline?

  • @[email protected]
    18 months ago

    Yeah sorry lol, I was not clear.
    When I go to add a third app it just goes behind the folder. Tried a dozen times with different apps and only ever takes 2 per folder.

    Just tried again and it let me do 4! Then the 5th just goes into its own folder and cant be added.

    Here is a clip showing it happening

    • @[email protected]
      18 months ago

      Thank you so much! A video speaks a million words and yours helped me to instantly identify what’s causing this.

      What happens is that when you remove apps from a folder until one is left, that app remains as a folder, and currently this launcher doesn’t allow you to drag one folder over another.

      A workaround is to tap that “folder” and drag that last app out from its “folder”, into the other folder you want it to be in.

      A fix for this is planned, thanks for highlighting this confusing behaviour ;)