Two B.C. landlords whose costs have skyrocketed – due to their variable-rate mortgage – have been allowed to impose huge rent hikes on their tenants to offset their financial losses.

In a recent ruling, an arbitrator with the province’s Residential Tenancy Branch approved increases totalling 23.5 per cent over two years for each of the landlords’ four rental units.

That’s on top of the 3.5 per cent annual increase previously approved by the B.C. government for 2024.

“The landlords experienced dramatic interest rate increases which have made managing the property unsustainable,” reads the ruling, which was published in May.

    • @[email protected]
      37 months ago

      They less hate tenants and more don’t see them as people but more of an income source. It’s the same reason why companies don’t care about burnout so long as someone can be replaced(even though it’s a lose-lose we’re not talking about smart, long-term thinkers here).

      • acargitz
        37 months ago

        I know. The phrase is what I wish journalists asked point blank at any spokesperson answering questions about it.