As per title. None of my IRL friends would have a clue what to do with it, so I want it to go to someone who knows what they’re doing.

Not selling or trading so hopefully this is still within the rules. If this gets a lot of responses I’ll just choose someone at random.

Edit: this had a lot of responses and is now complete. In the interest of fairness I ran 1-67 (the number of responses) through an online RNG and sorted by new, the result was 18 - congratulations @TopRamenBinLaden

  • @[email protected]
    22 years ago

    I’m in a position to seed quite well since my connection is uncapped, and I’d be happy to share some rarer finds of mine. Unfortunately the power grid where I live is unstable as shit so might not be the best choice. Up to you I suppose, OP.