Looking for @[email protected] to help lay out how they will implement the changes for the policies or issues the voters want.

  • @[email protected]
    317 months ago

    Codify Roe

    Enact nationwide RCV at all levels of elections (anyone who is going to argue they can’t, if Trump can destroy things you thought couldn’t be destroyed, we can do the opposite)

    SCOTUS term limits and packing (expand it from 1 court to multiple courts, have each case only seen by 1 court, split the incumbent fascists across the multiple courts so their extremist views only ever amount to a minority dissent)

    Pardon all non-violent drug offenders at every level of incarceration (play hardball with state officials who don’t cooperate)

    Mandate all government buildings get their power 100% from renewables

    • @[email protected]
      77 months ago

      Nooooo SCOTUS can’t have term limits or else they’ll align with corporate backers to get a nice “consulting” job when their term is up. Now without term limits, they are immune to external influence, and rule fairly for the people. \s