• @[email protected]
      357 months ago

      That’s not the goal. They attack people because that makes them feel better. Animals? Who cares. Definitely not them.

    • @[email protected]
      7 months ago

      I was going to stop torturing animals, but some mean vegan said some words that hurt my feelings.

      So now I’m going to eat two burgers!


        • @[email protected]
          -67 months ago

          Stalin only cares for himself.

          By holding meat eaters accountable for the crimes of eating the flesh of others we prevent the deaths of other animals.

    • mathemachristian[he]
      7 months ago

      If your belief lives or dies because of some internet comment it won’t last anyway.

      Edit: as in, what sustains it is the actual moral implications of a non-vegan lifestyle. I was convinced to go vegan by internet comments like this.

      • @[email protected]
        427 months ago

        See here’s what’s really really funny, people over and over again say “man if the vegan people who were trying to convince me could just not be gigantic assholes about it then maybe it would be easier to join their community”

        And then you come along and are a gigantic asshole about it and prove the entire point.

        Super solid representation, 5/7, perfection.

        • @[email protected]
          137 months ago

          Having a reasonable discussion with these people is like trying to play a game of chess with a pigeon. They’ll topple all the pieces, shit on the board and claim victory.

          • mathemachristian[he]
            7 months ago

            Gonna copy large chunks of my last comment because no ones there to stop me.

            This isn’t a debate like how should we reduce plastic accumulation or the carcinogenic properties of red meat. Not supporting slavery and murder should be the norm, not something that needs to be argued for at length. Being vegan is not doing something good, but not being vegan is doing something evil. This is our position. If someone can’t accept that what their doing is evil but needs to be asked nicely not to kill the screaming orphan who never got to meet his mom because we wanted to steal her milk then they won’t accept that it is an actual real evil that is taking place. It will remain a theoretical. But there really is a room where these orphans are brought to be murdered. A person murdering them. And a mother who screamed bitterly over losing their newborn. It is a real evil and being polite about it masks the horror taking place not to mention is completely insincere since we aren’t interested in debating or in weighing pros and cons. It’s a horrific injustice and we will talk about it as such. There is an evil inherent to not being vegan. Fuck the non-vegans.

              • mathemachristian[he]
                -37 months ago

                Here is another one: That meat on your plate comes from an animal that could feel. It had a whole life full of feelings and dreams. It might’ve liked some food but disliked other, it probably had friends, it had a mom and a dad, it was loved. Then they killed it, shipped it, you cooked it and ate it.

        • @[email protected]
          -37 months ago

          thing is, it’s a philosophy of empathy and compassion. you don’t really join a.commmunity. there are no V cards I’m afraid.

        • mathemachristian[he]
          -317 months ago

          If you need people to be nice to you to convince you, you care more about appearances than the argument. If people being rude stops you from acting on something you actually believe in you won’t last a month as a vegan.

          Going vegan means changing your habits, giving up a lot of your treats with nothing in return. You will be the weird one at christmas that needs “special” catering, people have to choose restaurants based on your habits and you will be the butt of a lot of jokes simply because you care about animals not being enslaved. If you need people to be nice to you, and applaud you and make you feel all warm and fuzzy to keep that going you won’t last.

          The first lesson every vegan needs to learn is: there are no rewards and no one will compliment you. You are doing this out of your own conviction and not for anyone else.

          • @[email protected]
            377 months ago

            This is precisely the circlejerking mentioned in the meme. Whether true or not, the community presents itself as unwelcoming and self-aggrandizing. These are not traits that easily convince people to listen to the cause.

            • mathemachristian[he]
              -287 months ago

              There’s nothing to listen to, either you believe animal ag is horrendous and unethical and act on it or you don’t. That’s it. No pretty pleases are going to convince someone they have to give up their beloved steak and cheese for nothing in return.

              • @[email protected]
                117 months ago

                Right, we get it, but if you tried attracting people to veganism with amazing recipes, and annecdotes of how much healthier you feel, people might come have a conversation and try making some vegan food. Instead these communities drive anyone non-vegan right out the door.

                What’s the expression? Honey will catch more flies?

                • mathemachristian[he]
                  -37 months ago

                  Reformism doesn’t work. People that are vegan because it’s “actually really good food” or looking for applause for “saving the planet” stop being vegan once it becomes too inconvenient. Because their mindset is that they are doing something good and you can stop doing good things or balance them out with other good deeds and there is an inherent expectation of a reward for being good.

                  Not supporting slavery and murder however should be the norm, not something that feels like a burden. Being vegan is not doing something good, but not being vegan is doing something evil. This is our position. If someone can’t accept that what their doing is evil but needs to be asked nicely not to kill the screaming orphan who never got to meet his mom because we wanted to steal her milk then they won’t accept that it is an actual real evil that is taking place. It will remain a theoretical. But there really is a room where these orphans are brought to be murdered. A person murdering them. And a mother who screamed bitterly over losing their child. It is a real evil and being polite about it masks the horror taking place not to mention is completely insincere since we aren’t interested in debating or in weighing pros and cons. This isn’t a debate like how should we reduce plastic accumulation or the carcinogenic properties of red meat. There is an evil inherent to not being vegan. Fuck the non-vegans.

                  • @[email protected]
                    67 months ago

                    Not supporting slavery and murder however should be the norm

                    it is. most people oppose slavery and murder.

                  • @[email protected]
                    57 months ago

                    Animal agriculture isn’t slavery. I can tell your exact skin tone by the fact you had the gall to make that comparison cx

          • @[email protected]
            -57 months ago

            Going vegan means changing your habits, giving up a lot of your treats with nothing in return. You will be the weird one at christmas that needs “special” catering, people have to choose restaurants based on your habits and you will be the butt of a lot of jokes simply because you care about animals not being enslaved. If you need people to be nice to you, and applaud you and make you feel all warm and fuzzy to keep that going you won’t last.

            this should be on a billboard.

      • ObliviousEnlightenment
        47 months ago

        If belligerent internet comments actually convinced you to change your diet in such an inconvenient manner for no reward but moral superiority, you are not like the people you’re trying to convince. Abusers and cults love bomb because its more effective on a random sample of people

        • mathemachristian[he]
          7 months ago

          If one believes that the mother losing her newborn cries about it for days and that this is happening on an industrial scale that person will be very indignant about such a horrific injustice. That’s what convinced me, this is a real injustice and not being angry about it would be insincere

          • ObliviousEnlightenment
            -17 months ago

            Convincing people to be ethical past the point of inconvenience requires insincerity, yes. The average person is a horrible human being