This thread has convinced me to play Outer Wilds.

My picks are:

  • Game: Portal 2.
  • Book: The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.
  • TV show: Bojack Horseman.
  • Movie: The Shawshank Redemption.
  • @[email protected]
    37 months ago

    Other people who’ve read it and who I’ve talked with seem to be split over whether the first book is better than the sequels, or the other way around. I prefer the sequels, my wife prefers the original. Do you have a preference?

    • Badabinski
      37 months ago

      As a child, I greatly preferred the original. A lot of the emotional subtext from the sequels went over my head (since I was raised in a very emotionally repressed environment), but I could totally grok the cold, somewhat impersonal nature of the first book. It was easier to imagine myself in this huge alien structure when I could understand the characters. Nowadays I think I’d probably prefer the sequels since I derive a lot of enjoyment from interpersonal drama and conflict. I’ll admit that it’s been ages since I’ve read them, so I can’t say for sure.