Edit: @[email protected] solved it. It says “one special character”. Not “at least one”.

  • @[email protected]
    2277 months ago

    It’s fucking insane that an internet banking portal has such a low cap on max characters and such shitty rule enforcement.

    • @[email protected]OP
      917 months ago

      Their desktop site is even more shitty. It won’t allow right click or paste actions. There goes compatibility with password managers.

      • @[email protected]
        597 months ago

        Bitwarden has a function where it types in (not pastes) the password and shows the prompt for it without right-click.

          • @[email protected]
            37 months ago

            On Mac you can use Hammerspoon and just create a shortcut to hs.eventtap.keyStrokes(hs.pasteboard.getContents())

          • @[email protected]
            17 months ago

            Nice find, thanks for sharing.

            For Macs (only Macs, I believe), there is StopTheMadness, which, uh well, stops the madness (test page here for some examples it can re-enable).

      • @[email protected]
        387 months ago

        As a super secret dev hack may I introduce you to shift + insert a fair few sites specifically block ctrl + v instead of properly disabling the clipboard action and, of course, if you read this and then submit a Jira ticket to block shift + insert… well… h8u

        • Pasta Dental
          147 months ago

          I usually to in the developer tools and manually disable the thing preventing the paste action. It’s usually a string to remove some JS or something or an Event that you need to uncheck

        • @[email protected]OP
          67 months ago

          Aah… I completely forgot about that. Will try next time. Also yesterday I saw Shift + F10 will show the context menu. Yet to test it on this site.

      • @[email protected]
        177 months ago

        Any password manager should be able to “type in” the password. Or be a browser plugin that doesn’t rely on copy pasting, but use other mechanisms to inject it directly into the field.

        But yes, if that’s their online portal, I am not kidding I would change banks.

    • @[email protected]
      337 months ago

      My bank’s password used to have to be exactly 6 characters, no special characters and you could use numbers and letters interchangeably because it was also your phone banking password.

      • @[email protected]
        7 months ago

        a previous bank used to have a max password length of 8 characters, then proudly announced that they will increase it to 32

        Then I made a typo at the end of my password and it let me in anyway, and I realised they were just trimming the first 8 characters to give the illusion of security

        • WIZARD POPE💫
          157 months ago

          That is so insane. To think they would rather just clip the passwords instead of habing it be longer.

          Did you try out your hypothesis by using the first 8 letters than just random junk until you hit your password length?

          • @[email protected]
            167 months ago

            I tried then first N characters of my password until I found out the threshold was at 8, then I tried with the first 8 chartacters of my password and then random junk and it worked.

            I also had two friends in the same bank to validate

    • @[email protected]
      277 months ago

      Visa has a hard limit of 8 and requires the first 4 to be numbers because the phone tree might require it as a password

      The whole banking industry is ridiculous and is ridiculously legislated

      • @[email protected]
        67 months ago

        USAA has 8-12 ONLY. My smallest memorized password algorithm is 13 characters, that I typically use for throwaways, doesn’t even fit.

    • @[email protected]
      207 months ago

      The ERP software I have to use has a strict limit of 6 characters as password. Only alphabet and numbers allowed.

      Maybe when I leave I try an SQL injection.

    • @[email protected]
      117 months ago

      I had to create an account on a government website. The website didn’t list a character limit so I used a password manager to generate a 32 character password. My account was created but I couldn’t log in. I used the “forgot my password” option and I received an email of my password in plain text. I also noticed why I couldn’t log in. The password was truncated to just 20 characters. Brilliant website! Tax dollars at work!

    • @[email protected]
      87 months ago

      Some internet banking sites give access after only asking for login password. They will only ask for transaction password and OTP (that will only come on phone) later on. Asking for two passwords isn’t necessarily more secure since many people will just reuse their original one again. And OTP instead of offering something like hardware security key is insane.

      • @[email protected]
        57 months ago

        My bank uses 6 digit ‘customer number’ (which is set by the bank) and that’s verified with an app and a personal PIN (app shows ‘login attempt ABCD at mm.dd. hh:mm’ where ABCD is shown on login page too) or via SMS OTP (again with ‘ABCD’ verification). And again with personal pin + app or OTP to confirm transactions. The app itself can be protected with a fingerprint or phone pin and every new installation needs to be registered to the system, so I can’t just use my phone app to access my wifes account (or anyone elses) but I still can map multiple accounts (like corporate ones) to the same installation.

        I think that’s pretty reasonable approach.

      • @[email protected]
        37 months ago

        Reason why I took a hardware tan generator versus using the OTP function of one of their other apps.
        Thanks but no, I will use the old crusty method as I know how easy that’s hacked.

    • Ech
      57 months ago

      They can’t even properly check their copy on critical infrastructure. Top notch work over there, top to bottom.

    • @[email protected]
      37 months ago

      seriously, I’ve never seen a bank with password login to begin with. Every bank i know of uses physical devices that you type a code into

        • @[email protected]
          97 months ago

          Sweden. The little keyfob thingies have been the thing for many decades here, I would guess ever since the dawn of internet banking, but I’d have to ask my parents instead of just assuming. I used to assume that was just normal for banks in the world at large. When you want to log in, the website gives you a code, you type the code into the fob and it responds with another code you type in to the website.

          Nowadays they additionally offer login via BankID, a mobile app used throughout Sweden for personal online identification.

          • @[email protected]
            7 months ago

            As a German, when living in Sweden, I was (and still am) very impressed, how widespread the use of (Mobile) Bank ID, beside the use of the personal ID number (As a male German, the state has assigned me at least three different ones without requiring any interaction.) for basically everything, is.

            In Germany, before introducing a second electronic way of authentication for online (or phone) banking, it was done by a chosen password and a TAN (transaction number) from a list that you regularly got sent by mail in a special envelope. Later it was replaced by that “thingy”, a mobile TAN generator, or push TAN via SMS.

            • @[email protected]
              47 months ago

              OMG the special envelope seems to make it specially easier for people to steal just the right mail

              • @[email protected]
                57 months ago

                It was not special from the outside, but from the inside. It was either the envelope or the TAN list that was printed with a special pattern to prevent reading the list by using a flashlight.

          • OTP for 2FA has just started becoming common here (US) within the last decade I think. Each bank has its own separate app and many banks seem to limit password lengths to less than other websites.