Hi all,

I’m building a media center PC and am looking for a tv-controller friendly UI for YouTube. My best case scenario is basically Smarttube as is available on Android TVs. It is a perfect app, but I believe it’s not attainable on desktop.

I’m willing to use either Windows or Linux, and have a moderate level of competence in the latter.

I’d prefer that it function well with Kodi. Is the Kodi YouTube plugin any good? Another option I’d like to explore is Freetube or Invidious, but a surface level amount of research hasn’t shown me any TV-like UIs.

Previously, I’ve used a spoofed user agent to trigger YouTube’s native TV UI, but it’s pretty shit and I’d prefer to not go there directly in any case.

Any insight is appreciated, even if it’s a suggestion to post this to another community. Thanks in advance.

  • @[email protected]
    36 months ago

    Do you use a remote control or a wireless keyboard & mouse. I’m looking into this setup and am curious how others drive their home theater machine.

    • Spunky Monkey
      36 months ago

      I use the TV remote control for the basic stuff. If I need to type something longer or more options, than I switch to Kore (official Kodi remote by the same developers). You just need the phone to be in the same network.

      Never felt the need to connect keyboard+mouse.

    • @[email protected]
      26 months ago

      I use a reversible remote keyboard combo which I find really really nice. I used to have some MX3, they can be had for 10$, sometimes even less, on Ali. It however feels rather dated… But I recently got a G60s Pro and I’m loooooving it.

    • @[email protected]
      26 months ago

      Look into flirc. It’s a usb device that can read ir signals. It has a companion program that lets you map any button on the remote to any keyboard or mouse buttons. I use it to map my tv remotes u,d,l,r to the keyboards udlr buttons.