I’m curious to discover more stuff that exists in the App realm, there must be some small indie apps we don’t know about everywhere

  • @[email protected]
    166 months ago

    Yidio to find movies and shows and where they are cheapest.

    Transit to take public transit to get somewhere. It’s not designed like a typical map app.

    Db meter to see if the audio around you is too loud. I use this a lot when at bars.

    Onx/gaia for mapping/nav when off-roading and other recreational activities where youll be off network.

      • @[email protected]
        106 months ago

        It’s designed specifically to take public transit. It also uses your location data when on a bus/train to let other people know if there are delays.

        During route planning you see the type of transit and what your connections look like. It also tells you when the next bus/train is arriving. Knowing the next bus is 10mins away vs 45mins is important.

        • @[email protected]
          26 months ago

          I’ve been using Transit to get around the DC Metro area for a few years now. It’s pretty damn helpful and reliable. Sometimes they’re not accurate (buses don’t show up in their system, or are in the system, but never show at the stop) but I expect that with public transit.

          Either way, it’s the best app I’ve found (for this area at least).